Chapter 8

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The air was tense and the stakes were high as the teenage bomber kept on demanding the president and strangling Naomi-chan while the other office ladies stood around the corner being useless, like always. 


A silver-haired boy broke the silence. The light coming in through the window behind the bomber made him look darker and scarier. While the tiny bit of sunlight that illuminated Atsushi just made him seem like a meek little kid. In this tense moment was when I finally decided to pay attention to his features. Atsushi had light gray hair, pale skin, and was of average height with a slim build. He had segmental heterochromia, consisting of purple on the top half of his iris and yellow along the bottom curve of his pupil. His hair was short and swept forward in loose spikes with a lock left long on the right side of his face. Additionally, he had a prominent black streak in his hair.

I looked at his clothing that we had all worked on to put together, each of us volunteering one item to his outfit. He wore a white button-up with the sleeves pushed to his elbows from Kunikida, a loose black tie from Yosano, black pants from Fukuzawa-san, black fingerless gloves from Ranpo, black boots from me, suspenders from Kenji (classic Kenji), and a long black belt from Dazai. 

He would've looked like a true Armed Detective Agency member if it weren't for the fact that he was shaking in fear.

"What are you doing!? Wouldn't this make your parents sad!?" he asked the criminal, as to which the redhead just widened his eyes in shock, probably at the stupidity of his words. That was even worse than mine, and I didn't think that was possible. "Who the hell are you!?" the bomber screamed, he was this close to pressing that red button and Atsushi knew it. The poor boy fell back in fear as he held up the badly made props Dazai must've whipped up for him. "As you can see, I'm just a newspaper boy who happened to be passing by" he meekly responded, showing his newspapers. "You're doing great!"

 He was right at my feet at this point, and I softly whispered some words of encouragement from my spot on the desk, my legs still swinging off the edge and my arms were still in the air, aching in pain for being held up for so long. 

"What's a newspaper boy got to do with anything?" the redheaded bomber asked, but Atsushi just ignored his question and kept on ranting about life and stuff. "No matter how much you hate them, you shouldn't be taking hostages or setting off bombs. You still have so much to live for! You aren't done living!" 

"The Armed Detective Agency ruined my life! What do I have to live for?" the confused suicidal questioned, raising an eyebrow, the remote with the big, scary button still firmly in his hand. 

"T-t-t-t-t-tea on rice!" Atsushi screamed, making me tilt my head at his oh so stupid words. "You can eat lots of tea on rice! And you can go to sleep every day with a roof over your head! And when you wake up, it'll be a new day! Every day is a new day!" he yelled, eyes closed, petrified. You could see the bombers scary act slip a little, as he took into consideration the boy's words. But his expression tensed up again when Atsushi began speaking once more. 

"But, if you blow us up, neither you nor I will get to see another new day, because we'll be dead"

Ok...Interesting choice of words Atsushi. 

"I know that" the bomber sternly answered, the grip on the activation controller tightening once more. Atsushi was stunned by this and was sent flying back in anxiety. "WHAAAAT!?" he yelled, surprised at why anyone would want to stop living. "I think you should reconsider, I mean if you die, you're really dead!" he said, his hand over his face and his eyes peeking through the holes in between his fingers, not going to lie, he looked pretty scary. Kind of like Shigaraki from that one anime. 

"Sure sometimes you wish you were dead, but there are people that keep living, even when the going gets tough. Oh, people like me. I have no family or friends, I even got chased out of an orphanage, and I have nowhere to go, and no hope for the future" he explained his whole life story miserable, his shaking legs causing his body to sway at the suddenly heavy feeling of his upper half. The poor kid was terrified, but he was pulling through and you got to respect him for that. "Everyone agrees I'm the scum of society but I manage to keep living! So why don't you toss that bomb aside and come looking for jobs with me!" he yelled at his, scuttling right up to the bombers face and completely forgetting he was meant to be a newspaper delivery boy. 

"Kunikida now!" the bushes yell.

"I know, don't tell me what to do, Dazai! Ability: Doppo Poet!"

Out of nowhere a green glow emits from what once was a piece of paper had no turned into a wire gun. He shot the gun at the bomber, knocking the remote out of his hands.

"Get him Kunikida!" Dazai yells at the dirty blonde causing him to yell back at him while grabbing the redhead by the collar and flipping him off the desk. "I said I know already!" he yelled, right before the suicidal bomber landed on the ground with a thud. 

"Pin him down!" the brunette yells again. Quick as a flash, I jumped off my position on the desk and landed on him, holding his arms behind his back. Kunikida grabs the controller of the bomber as Dazai emerges from his hiding spot. "Well done everyone! We got him" he announces, causing the useless office ladies to clap admiringly. 

"'We got him' you say? 'Get him' 'Pin him down'?" Kunikida asks, an annoyed expression on his face. "You're all talk and no action!" I yell at him as well, annoyed at how we had to do all the dirty work. Dazai just did nothing that whole time except waste his breathe on unnecessary words. 

"It's not my fault, you lost at rock-paper-scissors, Neko-chan" he said, a devilish grin on his face making me turn away with a huff and crossing my arms, muttering "Stupid Dazai" under my breath. 

"Well, all's well that ends well right?" he said. But he spoke to soon.

Because my arms were crossed, I was no longer holding down that bombers arms down. Since I'm so tiny, I don't weigh much so when the bomber swiftly stood up and grabbed me by the hood, I couldn't really do anything. He threw me across the room and into a door, which hurt. A lot. He then attacked an unsuspecting Kunikida from behind, kicking him and managing to get the remote for the bomb off him. 

I slowly lifted my head off the floor and touched my nose, which was leaking dark, maroon splotches onto the floor. When I removed my hand, it was covered in the same deep red colour. "Everyone shut up!" he yelled, to which everyone obeyed. "I swear, anyone with supernatural abilities has something wrong inside them!" he said creepily before looking up at us and pressing the button.

The button immediately started the bombes timer as it counted down from thirty. That half a minute seemed to go by so slowly, as everyone was glued to the floor, staring in horror at the ticking timer for the first five seconds, before everyone sprung into action.

Kunikida lunged towards the bomb, only to be held back by the redhead bomber, who was about to blow us all to smithereens. I tried to get up but fell back down as the world started spinning. 'I think I might have a concussion' I thought to myself, gripping my pounding head. My cat came up to me and curled up on my lap as I hoisted myself against the wall and tried to get my nose to stop bleeding.

Atsushi was right beside the bomb from when he was talking to the bomber, so he just looked at it in horror, thinking of something to do. With fifteen seconds left, he grabbed Naomi-chan, who was still tied up at the foot of the desk where the suicidal criminal used to be, and threw her across the room, into Dazai's arms. Then, without thinking twice, used his body to cover up the bomb. 


"What are you doing!?!"









I have been messaged by a couple people actually, asking if I forgot to write a chapter or something for Nekori's entrance exam and DO NOT WORRY all will be revealed. Like, maybe in the next chapter or two, I don't know. Anyway, hope you enjoyed

Tini-san out!

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