2.Monday morning with the Way Brothers.

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Gee's P.O.V

Gerard groans awake to the sound of his alarm clock, some aggravatingly cheerful ringing that he must've set on accident and can't change because his phone is an ass-hat to him. He sits up with a sigh, blinking and yawning, trying to remember what day it is. Oh. Monday. Lovely.

He shuts his alarm off and is tempted to throw his phone but... he wouldn't be able to afford to replace it so he'd rather not. After pushing his fiery red hair out of his face and rubbing sleep out of his eyes, he stands up, stretching his tired limbs out and wobbling a bit. He gets out of his pajamas and leaves them on the floor by his bed, might as well, since he'll just be getting into them after the day was done. He slips into a yellow and black shirt, that made his hair and eyes pop even more than it should be humanly allowed, and then gets on some black skinny jeans, along with vans. Gerard brushes his hair out, but not too much that it's straight, just kinda messy but an intended messy, puts on some eyeliner, but not too much, only enough to make his hazel eyes pop even more, and the makeup isn't even noticeable by anyone unless they were inches from his face. Perfect.

Gerard, once he deems himself ready, goes down the stairs from his room, careful not to stumble since he was still half asleep. Once he gets to his kitchen, he sees that his younger brother, Mikey, was already sitting in the kitchen, hands cupped around a mug of coffee, hair a sleepy mess and glasses so far down his nose they're borderline falling off of his face. "Mornin' Mikes.." Gerard mumbles, pouring the rest of what's in the coffee machine into his own mug. Mikey just grunts sleepily in reply. This is a typical morning for them, considering the Way brothers were NOT morning people, and they weren't even able to interact with others unless they've had at LEAST one cup of coffee.

Gerard plops onto his chair at the table, next to Mikey, closing his eyes and sipping his own coffee, careful not to burn himself on the hot, glorious liquid.

About ten minutes later, both of the brothers were considerably more human. Gerard had made a half-hearted attempt to not let Mikey go out with a massive bed-head, but apparently Mikey would have none of it, not caring what the hell his hair does or what it should do. Mikey had a lot more eyeliner on than Gerard did, and he was wearing a black misfits T-shirt, black skinny jeans that made his already almost anorexic body-form look even thinner, and a grey hoodie. Mikey had still not pushed up his damn glasses. They were a lot different, but still close. They walk to school, still quiet since even with coffee, they needed a bit more time to wake up, book-bags slung over their shoulders.

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