33.gerard way you are trouble

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I hear a tapping on the window beside my desk. The whole class can't hear it over mikey and some kid playing guitars. It's they're playing test. I look to see Gerard. He starts giving me hand gestures. He basically telling me to ditch class. I roll my eyes and slip out if class. God Gerard and Bren are changing me. I look around the hallways and I see Gerard.

"Are you fucking crazy?" I ask.

"Hell yeah I am. But we need to go now. We'll get caught." He tell me. And pulls me to my locker. Lately when I'm with mikey grabbing things from my locker heard kinda creeps on me. I'm not complaining but mikey is. He's always getting annoyed by gerard being around me so much. I don't have a choice. Bren is friends with Gerard and I'm dating bren. Mikey's dating Pete. He's always off doing something with him. Most of the time. I catch them in some public bathroom blowing each other or something. But I grab my bag and we leave.


"You like me Frankie I can see it" Gerard says as we sit under a bridge. He's kinda drunk.

"No I don't." I tell him. "I like Brenden."

"But you don't love him." He says at me suggestively.

"Not yet. I'm not sure we've only been together for a month and a half. Do you love Ryan."

"He's a sweet kid one hell of a fuck but no. I like him yes wouldn't mind dating him which I am but I'd never see a future with him." Be tell me then pulls me forward into him Crashing my lips into his. Not matter how much I like this I can't I'm with Brenden. I push Gerard away.

"What the hell Gerard!" I yell getting up.

"Oh come on no one needed to know." He says and gets up trying to kiss me again. I push him away again and start walking up the hill. "Frank!" He calls out to me. "I'm sorry." He tell me I turn around before I start talking (get your tissues ready :( l


"Why do you have in your mind i'm in love with you? Why do you think you can just use me! The reason I have so many bruises littering my body is because of you and your stupid friends! Stop touching me. Stop talking to me. I'm with Brendan and you with ryan. You can treat Ryan how ever the hell you want. And even though I hate him he's changed he's too naive for his own good. But I like Brendan and he likes me. He's not afraid to show that you on the other hand don't want anyone to know who your own brother is!"

"I have reasons" he tells back.

"Just stay away from me Gerard." I tell him turning to go cross the street. I see bright lights coming fast. The next part happened as if in slow motion. Gerard screamed my name and I feel the ground over 7 feet away from where I was. I couldn't move and everything went black. I don't want to be dead. I can't be not when I fought this hard to stay.


Dun du dun!!! To be continued.

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