6.art splattered in these halls, and I'm fucking terrified.

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I walk through the hall, headed towards my Language Arts class, okay, yeah I like that class, so believe it or not, I feel pretty fucking relieved to be going to said class. There are no "friends" In that class, so I can be, at least somewhat, myself there. So, I walk as fast as I can to get there, my things held tightly in my arms as I go. Maybe if I get done early I can even slip in a few sketches, is the last thing I think before I'm colliding with some short kid in the hall that seems to be moving just about as fast as I was. Unfortunately for him, he was shorter, so he ended up falling from the impact, apparently so do all of the things in my arms as well. I hear him hiss from the contact of his head and the tile floor but, it's somewhere off in the distance as I see.... all of my artwork. On display. On the stupid scuffed white tiles. WHERE EVERYONE CAN SEE. Now, you might think, -Oh art, it's no big deal man, chill- but no, it's a big deal. Because the "Friends' i have, don't know that I'm an artist. That's a part of the real me. A.K.A, off limits for their prying eyes. I instantly get down on my hands and knees, gathering up all of the papers as fast as humanly possible, stuffing them back into my folder and scrambling to my feet. "Uh, I'm so sorry, uh, g-gotta get to class" I mumble, vaguely aware of my own words as I run down the hall and dart into the door of my LA class as if I were being chased by a demon or something. I sit in the back of the class, trying to calm my racing heart, and trying not to y'know, just, kinda, DIE. Dying is bad for your health. And dying is bad for my brother's health. Very bad. For everyone involved. Except for the short kid that I rammed into.... he probably wouldn't mind if I died. I just put my head down on the desk, and focus on getting myself calm. No-one's going to die, my secret is safe, my art is safe... nothing to worry about.... no reason for my chest to be tight, so, reallax...breathe in and out slowly, forget about it. Thank fuck none of my crowd are in this classroom.

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