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Franks p.o.v

Am I really missing Gerard right now. Oh my god this feels amazing.

Why do you have in yourind im in love with you? Why do you think you can just use me! The reason I have so many bruises littering my body is because of you and your stupid friends! Stop touching me. Stop talking to me. I'm with Brendan and you with ryan. You can treat Ryan how ever the hell you want. And even though I hate him he's changed he's too naive for his own good. But I like Brendan and he likes me. He's not afriad to show that you on the other hand don't want anyone to know who your own brother is!"

"I have reasons" he tells back.

"Just stay away from me Gerard." I tell him turning to go cross the street. I see bright lights coming fast.

I lush aay from Gerard. With tears in my eyes.

"Oh God I'm so sorry frank." He says getting up.

"I uh I can't. I'm sorry." I tell him as I run out of the shop. I turn a corner and dit down. On the ground. What the hell? One minute I'm kissing Gerard and I'm loving it the next I'm fucking terrified. What is happening to me. I don't want to remeber anymore. I wish it all could stop. I get up and start walking. I can't eember this I dont want to.

Come on Frank go do.it!

I hear in my head. God I need help.

No frank please don't. Think about how far you've come!?

A femine voice tell me. What the fuck? I find myself at Brendan's house. I start knocking on his door.

"Frankie what's wrong why are you crying?" He asks.

"There are voices in my head and I'm rembering things I don't want to and one second in feeling great comfortable then I'm terrified I felt the pain go though my whole body after it stopped and I'm scared Brendan." I say to him.

"Come in please" he says moving and letting me in. "Cone on." He leads me upstairs to his room.

"I don't know what to do." I cry to him after me makes me sit down.

"It's okay."

You need Gerard. Hes the only one who can help you..

The femine voice tell me.

No he doesn't care. Neither does Brendan.

The male voice taunts. I need Gerard but not right now.

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