42.Why is he back?

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Gerards p.o.v

"Gerard?" I hear a soft small voice ask.

"Hm?" I ask. Opening my eye to be meet with frank.

"You passed what's wrong?" He asks brushing some air out if my face.

"My dad us back." I tell him.

"Why is that a bad thing?" He asks. I sit up I look around I'm in my room and my doors closed.

"It's hudt is."

"Why?" He asks.

"Because. My mom and dad abandoned me and mikey when I was 15."

"Oh my god Gerard I'm so sorry I didjt know." He says.

"It okay." I tell him. I get up.

"Gerard." He says. I look at him. He kisses me. "I've been dying to do that" he says. I kiss him again.

"Why?" I ask as I hold his face.

"When i kiss Brendan I don't feel anything like I do with you. I'm not saying oh sparks but my stomach does flips and I dunno its just something I've been craving for a week since we kissed." I kiss him again.

"So have i. But I need to go talk to my father." I tell him before I let go of his face.

"Okay. Do you want me to wait up here?"

"If you could-"

"Of course." He sits on my bed and I smile at him. I head down stairs where I see mikey sitting he's shaking likes he's crying. My dad lacing the living room.

"Donald." I say emotionless.. ( dam gee. You sassy mother fucjer)

"Gerard " he says. "I need to talk to you."

"What could you possibly have to say? You walked out on ud. Leaving us to fend for.our selves." I aruge.

" I know. And im-"

"You what sorry? Sorry for what leaving your 15! 15 year old son to take care if your 11 year old and not come back for three years! Have your youngest son think that you hate him.and me trying to get him to sleep when he is a shaking mess because of you! All because I said that I was bi curious that I didn't know if I only liked girls!"

"Gerard please let me explain."

"Tell me " DAD" what wen though your mind when you left and never came back."

"I wasn't thinking. It wasnt right and I'm sorry. but Gerard-"

"Yeah it wasn't right! Do you know how many hours I've worked t keep food on our table and there's only two of us. I have to pay the mortgage on this god dam house and bill and everything else. Most day we barely have money to buy new clothes or shoes when we need it. I was 15. I had to support a 11 hear old. My boss had to help us so we wouldn't be thrown in to the foster care system! I had to beg people to help us. Yeah so it wasn't fucking right! There is clearly something wrong with your God dam mind if you think adaondoing a 15 year old and a 11 year old who know nothing about life."

"Gerard moms dead." Mikey says.

"She got into a car accident about six months ago." Dad says.

Holy shit.


Fun fun fun. Not really but eh. So this littke guys °~° his name is Steve. Okay. So this book is coming to an end too. Ah dontyoi just love it when everything comes together. I swear if anyone got that reference I'll love you for ever itdls from a video game. Okai. Bye.

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