13.Why would the most popular guy in school care?

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A|N: trigger warning, (more blood. Skip is sensitive)

Frank's p.o.v

"I'm going to try to help you." He says... He's shaking.. Clearly he's never seen someone cut themselves like this, or at all..

I Look away, ashamed of myself.

"See Frank, someone wants to help you.."

"Y-y-you sh-shouldn't he-help m-me." I plead, telling him to go away.

"Too bad.." he says softly, shedding his shirt and actually ripping it, getting somewhat neat strips of material from it. "Let me see your wrist please.. " he says softly, voice soothing.

"Frank..... it has to bleed. You have to feel pain." Darkness hisses at me.

"No, It needs to bleed, he told me so.." I say, holding my wrists close to my chest, getting my shirt bloody. I don't care anymore.

He sighs, "Screw whoever told you that you need to bleed, I'm telling you that I'm going to help you, and I need you to help me do so... please, give me your wrist.." he says, holding a hand out to me ."Trust me.."

"W-why should I trust you.?" I say in a quiet, hoarse voice.

"I probably don't have the best answer to that... and I know it's not a very good excuse to earn trust.... but.... right now, it seems that you don't have anyone else that's trying to help you.... so trust the one guy that wants to bandage your wrist... instead of whoever it is telling you that you deserve to bleed.... because the guy that wants you to bleed.....he's wrong. Let me prove him wrong... give me your wrist...?" he says, on his knees beside me, still holding out his hand, even though that hand is shaking slightly.

I give him one wrist. Staring at him. The same question running through my head.

Why is he helping me?

"Thank you.." he whispers, taking the strips of his own shirt, and starting to carefully wrap my wrists, stopping the blood-flow as best he can. It'll hold for a bit, concentrating as he ties them carefully.

"W-why are you helping me?" I ask. He stops, and looks at me for a moment, biting his lip and sighing.

"Because no-one else will... and because you need being helped.... and....because I never did before.." he says honestly "Other wrist please."

I resist giving it to him.

"Please?" He asks once more, and I hesitantly hand my wrist over. Gerard gently takes my wrist, wrapping it with the remains of his shirt, making sure it's putting enough pressure to stop the bleeding. "You're probably gonna need stitches..." he says softly.

"See I told you. Too deep."

The voice says in my head.

"Oh shut up light."

Darkness hisses.

"Shut up shut up shut uuuuuuup!" I say, forming a fist in my free hand and hitting my head violently.

Gerard startles a bit with a gasp "Hey...d-don't hurt yourself more...please.." he says, reaching out and gently taking my other hand so he's just gently holding both.

"T-they're too loud." I say, starting to sob again.

"It's gonna be okay... I'll try to make them quiet, I promise...I'll try as hard as I can.." he whispers softly, still holding my arms gently. "Can I please take you to the nurse's office..?" He asks me, almost like he's pleading.. I nod, giving in. I won't resist him anymore..

"Thank you.." he whispers softly. "Can you stand..?"

"Yeah" I say, trying to get up. He grabs my upper arm to help me.

"Everything's gonna be okay.." He says as I get to my feet and hold onto the wall for support, while he stands up as well.

"Do you think you can walk to the nurses..? I can carry you if you need me too..." he says softly.

"No I can walk.." I say, but I realize how much blood I lost.. I try to take a step, but almost fall instead.

Gerrard catches me, shaking his head "No... I'm gonna carry you.." he says, simply lifting me into his arms, holding me in a bridal-style fashion. He steps out of the stall, still holding me "What's your name..?" he asks softly.

"F-frank."I answer him, hating how shaky my voice sounds.

"Okay Frank...I'm Gerard..." he says softly, carrying me out of the bathroom and into the empty hall.

"I know who you are." I say looking up at him.

"You don't..." He says, "You know my name... and you know who I try to be... you don't know who I am... but I'm gonna change that".

I look at him as he continues to carry me, and I look at my bandaged wrists, the blood seeping through. I guess Gerard noticed too, because he picked up the pace of his walking.

"I'm..... I feel tired." I say from blood loss, my eyes drooping.

"Hey, please try to stay awake...uh...talk to me, say anything, keep talking, please.... " he says, knowing that me passing out is a bad, bad sign, and he needs me to fight to stay awake.

"Shit... just... o-okay, rest, I'm gonna get you to help, just hold on please.." He says, pulling me closer to his chest, getting a better grip and starting to run towards the nurse's office.

I still fights to keep much eyes open, But I lose... For the first time almost two months I let sleep consume me.

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