18.pack my bags just to go to hell and back

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Franks p.o.v

"Frank get up time to go to school." Dad knocks at my door. I missed two days.

"No." I says bringing my blanket over my head.

"Now." He says I hear my door handle turn but not open. "Dammit Frank unlock the door." He says.

"No." I say in a taunting tone. "I like it locked."

"Frank get up for school now. You have to go." He says. I groan getting up.

"Fine. But I'm not unlocking my door."

"Just be downstairs in twenty minutes" he says. I strip myself from my shirt and pajama pants. I look in my full length mirror. I look at my ugly body. You could clearly count my ribs. I have a big purple bruise thanks to jocks. I have self inflicted cut on my torso. I'm too short. My gauzy wrapped arms. I sleep with them on so I don't scratch at them. My hair is getting too long. I look like a child. I turn away from it. Going into my draws and pulling out a pair of skinny jeans and a plain white T-shirt. I un wrap the gauze. They need to air out. I grab my gab and my sweater. I unlock my door and head down stairs. I see my dad sitting in the kitchen. I put on my shoes and my sweater.

"Frank?" He asks I leave closing the door behind me. I bolt off though the park. When I see the school about a block away I walk. I hate doing that I would have gone through my window but I didn't want tear my stitches. I hate mornings after cutting or after suicide attempts. I get I to school and I see kids whisper and point. I hurry off to my locker. I make my way to my math class.

"I heard he begged himself for his life." I hear a girl whisper.

"I hear he's possed." I hear a boy whisper.

"See everyone thinks you're crazy."

"No they just don't understand."

I walk into the bathroom. I put my books on the ground. More like drop as I go into the handicapped stall. I kneel in front of the toilet.

"Frank?" I hear mikey asks. I start throwing up. (Frank:danger days Gerard:danger days mikey:black parade)

I didn't lock the door. Situations like this major emotional ones make me physically sick.


"I'm fine." I say in a choked voice.

"No your not. I was going to find you then you bolted into the bathroom." He says. Assuming the door is locked.

"I'm fine." I say while wiping my face.

"Frank." He pushes on the door. I sit against the wall.

"I said I'm fine." I say through tears. He sits beside me and hugs me tightly I cry into his chest. I calm down after a few minutes

"Do you feel better?" He asks.

"I'm not okay but I'm fine." I say. He doesn't move.

"Then we'll stay until you're okay." He says.

"Mikey y-" he cuts me off.

"No Frank I'm not letting you go to class like this okay?" He asks I nod trying to hold back a yawn but I'm so fucking tired. I never sleep. If I do it's twenty minutes tops. I try my best to hold back my yawn but I couldn't. "You're tired?" He asks I shake my head. "Frank when was the last time you slept?"

"Um." I count mentally. "Four five days ago."

"Frank." He says concerned.

"I'm fine mikey." I tell him.

"No your not. Sleep." He says. I groan. "Frank I'm your friend and I'm worried about you. You never sleep and when you do you live off if that. You never eat. We've been having lunch everyday you barely eat Frank. Please just sleep. Twenty minutes tops please?" He asks.

"I don't have my phone I listen to music when I try to fall asleep.." I tell him.

"Here." He gives me his phone. I put o e ear bud in and hand him the other one.He just shrugs. I lean into him and close my eyes. After putting on a song

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