3: Lame

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Saturday came around and all the bridesmaids and groomsmen were going out to dinner to get to know each other. I picked out a light blue dress and nude heels. I straightened my hair this time and did my usual makeup.

I drove to the restaurant, which turned out to be a fancy Italian place not far from my apartment. I saw Lily and Ty pull up and went to greet them. We walked in together and found the table.

Everyone else came one-by-one a few minutes later. I was introduced to everyone and the bridesmaids seemed really nice. One was my sister's best friend Mackenzie. The other three were my sister's other friends Rachel, Jen, and Alex. I really hit it off with Alex since we had a lot in common.

We all sat down and of course, Patrick ended up across from me. "Hi Patrick," I said with an overly-fake smile.

"Hey Delilah," he said with his signature smirk.

Dinner wasn't too awkward, but of course there were moments when I wanted to kick Patrick as hard as I could under the table. One of these times was when Alex asked me what I do.

"I'm a photographer. I just got a job working for the Blackhawks, editing posters and such."

Patrick scoffed and muttered something under his breath that sounded like, "lame."

I glared at him and he got the message. Of course, he gave me his stupid smirk with those beautiful blue eyes.



I walked into my new job, excited to start. I met Kelly at the front doors and followed her to where my office would be. "You'll be working in a room with all the other editors but you will have your own office space," she explained as we walked.

I nodded and looked at all the posters on the walls, making mental notes of effects that looked good. We arrived at the editing room and she introduced me to the two other editors. "This is Ally and Mark, you'll be working with them. For the roadtrips, two of you will go with the team," Kelly said.

"Okay, thanks." I replied eagerly. Road trips sounded fun.

"The first one is this weekend. Ally, will you go with Delilah?"

The short brunette nodded. "Alright, well I'll leave you guys to it." Kelly exited the room, leaving me alone with Mark and Ally. I was told that their first season game was this Thursday at home and we got to working on posters.

I just hope that Patrick doesn't ruin this like he ruined everything else.

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