16: Interviews

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The next day, I headed into work slightly nervous. I usually never had to interview people, normally it was just taking pictures and videos. I set my coffee down on my desk and got on my computer, working more on Jonny's poster before we had to shoot the video.

"Hey," Mark appeared in my doorway. "Kelly wants us in the editing room in five."

"Okay, thanks." I saved my work before exiting out and heading to the editing room. When I arrived, Ally and Kelly were already in there, along with Mark.

"Alright guys, today you're going to be interviewing the team. I already have the questions, so you guys can divide them up amongst yourselves," Kelly instructed.

We followed her down to a room that had cameras set up, along with a green screen as a backdrop. "So this is where you guys will be doing the videos, obviously. You guys decide which questions you're each going to ask while I go get the team." Kelly left the room.

I turned to my two co-workers. We surveyed the questions, seeing that there were only nine, so three per person. "I'll take the first three," Mark volunteered.

"I'll do the next three," I spoke up. We all looked at the questions we had to ask before the guys came in.

"Let's get started!" Kelly said before clapping twice and lining the guys up. Ally and I shared a look before getting ready for the interviews.


"So who spends the most time on their hair?" Ally asked Bryan Bickell her last question. I would be going next, and then Mark. So far, it wasn't going too bad.

I watched from my chair next to Ally. My leg bounced up and down anxiously, a nervous habit I had picked up. Next to me, Mark gave me a reassuring smile. He didn't have anything to worry about though. He was outgoing and friendly, whereas I was awkward and semi-quiet.

Bickell gave his answer and Ally said, "Okay, thanks Bryan." Ally looked at me and gave me a smile filled with relief. "Your turn, Delilah."

I watched Bickell get up from the chair and Jon took his place. "Hey Jonny," I said with a smile. Talking with him first made me less nervous because we had always been close friends.

He gave me a grin in return. "Ready?"

I nodded. "So, which member of the team needs a mute button?" I read from my paper.

"Mute button..." He laughed. "Do I have to say his name?" I shrugged with a small smile. "Yeah, number 65. Shawzy."

He went on to talk about Andrew needing a mute button. I stifled my laughter so that it wouldn't be caught on camera. He ended his mini rant and I said, "Alright, thanks Jon. You can send someone else in, just make sure Andrew comes in last."

Brandon Saad came in next. I asked him the same question and he went on to talk about how rooming with Shaw could be a bit of a handful at times. "If anyone could make that happen for me, that'd be great." He finished with a smile.

He exited, and I kept interviewing the guys. Soon, Kane walked in. He kept avoiding my eyes for some reason. I tried to act as normal as I could with him and tried to forget the fact that he was a rude jerk that called my best friend a slut.

I forced a smile and asked him the question. He had a pretty short answer compared to everyone else's, but nevertheless he answered the question. "Thanks Patrick. You can send Shawzy in now."

Andrew walked in and I had to make sure I didn't laugh. He had no idea what was coming. "I'm sure a lot of people said me, I don't know why," he started off. "Mute button..." He mused. "Well, I'll just say myself."

"Andrew, everyone has said you so far. How do you feel about that?" I asked with a grin.

"Well, I kind of saw it coming. I've been known to be pretty obnoxious so it's not that big of a surprise." He shrugged and laughed a little.

"Alright, thanks Shawzy. You can stay here for the next question." He nodded. "Okay, so the next question is to do your best Kane goal impression," I read.

He paused for a second with a straight face. He stood up and threw his hands up, pretending to celebrate. It was obviously far from Kane's usual routine but it was damn funny. I clutched my side as I laughed.

He grinned as he sat back down. "I'll just answer your next question while I'm here."

I nodded. "Okay, okay. Best Toews goal impression."

He gave me a blank stare. "Honestly, I have no idea."

"Me either. Well, you can send the next guy in. Talk to you later Shawzy," I said as he stood up to go. He saluted me before exiting.

Next, Sharp walked in. "Delilah!" He exclaimed with a grin as he sat down.

"Hey Pat. Ready to answer some more questions?" He have me a thumbs up and I began. "Best Kane goal impression."

He put on his poker face and said, "I don't know, he doesn't really score that often."

I chuckled and raised my eyebrows. "Whatever you say. Okay, second question: best Toews goal impression."

"This is it right here," he said as he sat there with a straight face.

I shook my head, a smile still evident on my face. "Well, I only had those two questions so I guess you can send in the next guy."

In walked Patrick Kane. When I asked him about the Toews goal impression, he just have me a really confused look. "I don't know," he stated.

"Really?" I asked. I always thought the two were pretty close so I figured Kane, of all people, would know.

"Yes, really. I'll go bring Bicksy in," he said as he stood up from his chair and left. I gave Ally, who was sitting next to me, a confused look. She returned it with a shrug.

I talked with Bickell, Hossa, Saad, Toews, and Keith before deciding to call it a day.

Kelly walked up to all of us. "Good work today guys. You can head back to your offices for the last hour and a half of work." I glanced at the clock, just realizing how long that had taken.

We went back up to our offices. "Well that was interesting," Mark stated.

"Agreed," I put in.

"Did anyone else notice that Kaner seemed a little off?" Ally asked as we walked up the stairs.

I shrugged. "A little, I guess." I got back to my office and finished working on posters and pictures before heading home.





aaaaand that's about it from me, keep reading and voting and stuff! Feel free to message me if you have any ideas about how this story should go or something, idrk

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