36: Adorable

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The next day, Monday, I went over to the United Center for work. I walked through the familiar doors that I hadn't been through in a week, due to a small break we got since the season ended. Today, we would have a meeting about the summer schedule.

I arrived in the board room and sat down at the long table. Kelly walked in and greeted me. We chatted for a bit while waiting for the rest of the people to get here.

"Welcome back everybody," Kelly started off once everyone took their seats. "These next few months are crucial in terms of keeping the Blackhawks spirit up. Media is going to be working a lot on new designs and updates; finance team- we're going to need those budgets soon," Kelly went on. A group of people siting at the other end of the table nodded along and took notes.

The meeting was short; Kelly just described the things that needed to get done before the season opener, which was four months away. We were dismissed and I headed back up to my office near the media room. I dropped my stuff off and walked into the media room where Mark and Ally were waiting.

I smiled as I made eye contact with them. "Hey Delilah," Ally said. Mark offered me a warm smile.

"So to get started, we're going to be working on sorting through footage of the playoffs," Mark started off. I sat down at one of the computers and waited for it to turn on.

Ally sat next to me. "I'm so excited to start back up again!" She exclaimed.

I chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Me too, Ally. Me too."


The day passed by quickly, and I was on my lunch break before I knew it. I checked the time on my phone and noticed some messages. One was from my mom, asking how I was doing. The other was from Patrick.

Hey are you free tonight?

I responded that I was free before grabbing my purse and leaving to pick up some lunch. I walked down the street to Subway and grabbed a sandwich and some chips.

I ate in my office while clicking through pictures I downloaded off my camera. I had gotten a lot of good pictures over the playoff season.

The rest of the day passed by quickly. All I did was sort pictures and videos so we could edit them in a few days.

I finally left at around 5, saying goodbye to Mark and Ally as I did so. I checked my phone and noticed a missed call from Patrick. I called him back as soon as I got in my car.

"Hey there Delilah."

I sighed a little but was smiling. "Why do you always feel the need to start every conversation like that?" I asked Patrick as I pulled out of the parking lot.

I could practically see him shrugging his shoulders. "Aw c'mon, I know you secretly love it," he responded.

He was right, I did love it. "You know me so well," I bantered back.

"Anyways," he changed the topic. "So you are free tonight?"

"Yep, why do you ask?" I confirmed.

"I want to take you out tonight. I feel like we haven't had a good old fashioned dinner date in a while."

I balanced the phone between my ear and shoulder as I parked the car and got out. "Sounds fun. What time?"

"I'll pick you up around 6," he responded. I heard shuffling and voices on the other end of the phone that sounded like Jonathan.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" I wondered aloud as I walked into my apartment.

"That would be a surprise, but-" Patrick's voice was cut off by fumbling and a muffled protest of "hey!"

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