45: The Flight Home

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Delilah's POV

I woke up the next morning at 8. My flight was at 11 so I had to get to the airport by 9:30. I began to pack my clothes up, something I hadn't gotten the chance to do last night.

Last night.

I still can't believe I broke up with him. I love him so, so much, so much that it hurts. But it was right to end it.

Wasn't it?

I shook my head to rid myself of the memories of last night's incident. I got out of bed and picked out a pair of leggings and a t shirt. I took a quick shower, got changed, and began packing.

It only took me about a half hour to gather my things. I walked downstairs to see Jackie sitting at the kitchen table. I had asked her last night if she could drive me to the airport this morning. She didn't ask for any details, which I was grateful for, but I knew she still wanted to know what was going on.

"Morning," Jackie said as I grabbed a bottle of water.

"Morning," I nodded in her direction. I didn't feel like eating much so I grabbed an apple and sat across from her at the table.

"How are you holding up?" She asked with a sympathetic look on her face.

I sighed and shrugged. "Not too good, I guess."

I could feel her eyes burning into my head as I stared down at the table in front of me. I finished my apple quickly and threw it out. "Can you drive me now?" I asked.

Jackie just nodded and stood up. She grabbed her keys and put on flip flops, not saying a word to me as she went into the garage to start the car.

I followed her and put my suitcase into the trunk. We began driving to the airport, which was only thirty minutes away.

After a few minutes, Jackie broke the silence by saying, "So, why did you do it?"

I felt my throat closing up. "What?" I heard what she said, but she caught me off guard.

"You broke up with him, why?" She asked bluntly, keeping her eyes on the road.

"I..." I didn't know how to explain it to her. "We sorta got in a fight and I realized that he would be better off without me."

"What did you fight about?"

"Rachel." Just saying her name left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Jackie sighed trough her nose. "You let her come in between you two?"

I felt myself tearing up. I wasn't emotionally stable enough to have this conversation right now. "Look, this is my decision. Patrick will get over me. It's in his best interest that we separate."

Jackie shook her head. "Ah, but you see, it's not. My brother loves you. Honestly, if you could see the way he looks at you..." She cleared her throat. "Anyways, you make him happy. Breaking up with him is far from being in his best interest."

"I have to," I said. She didn't understand that I was done with Patrick.

She gripped the steering wheel tighter as we got closer to the airport. "So you're breaking his heart. Just like Rachel did." She said the last part quieter, but it was still enough to send my tears over the edge.

"I am nothing like Rachel," I said, raising my voice a bit before calming down. "You never told me why she and Patrick ended things," I realized.

"Plain and simple: she cheated on him," Jackie said it so nonchalantly.

I felt my breathing quicken and my throat close up. She cheated on him. She cheated on him. The words replayed in my kind as we pulled into the airport.

Jackie pulled up to the curbside check in and put the car in park. She turned to face me. "Listen, I know this is your decision and all, but try to think of how Pat's feeling. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but think if you made the right decision."

I nodded and leaned over the center console to hug her. "Thank you for everything this trip Jackie. I really mean it."

She gave me a sad smile. "I hope this isn't the last time I see you."

I said goodbye and got my luggage from the trunk. I quickly checked my bags and went to the end of the security line.

While I waited, I thought about what Jackie had said to me. I didn't want this to be the last time I see her either. I had grown close with Jessica, Jackie, and Erica over the past week. I had their numbers but I was scared to keep in contact with them in case I see Patrick again.

Security moved quickly and soon I was waiting at the gate. I plugged my earbuds in and listened to some music to clear my head.

After a good twenty minutes the plane started boarding. I got on and found a seat on the aisle. I put my things in the overhead compartment and sat back down. I looked at some of the people coming onto the plane.

I was looking down at my phone when I noticed someone standing next to my chair. I looked up and noticed a young guy around my age putting his luggage in the overhead. He was pretty attractive, with brown hair swept across his forehead. "Mind if I sit here?" He asked while pointing to the seat next to me.

"Go ahead," I faked a polite smile.

I turned my attention back to the front of the plane until the guy started talking again. "So why are you traveling to Chicago? Visiting family?"

I turned my attention towards him and noticed he had blue eyes. Not the bright, icy blue like Patrick's, but a deeper blue. I preferred the color of Patrick's, to be honest-

I shook myself out of my thoughts. "Just returning home. How about yourself?"

"Same with me. I was in New Jersey with my family, then me and my old buddies decided to take a road trip to New York, and here I am." He smiled at me.

"I'm Delilah." I stuck out my hand for him to shake.

"Adam. Nice to meet you."

The rest of the flight I talked with Adam and got to know him. He was pretty funny and helped take my mind off of my extreme sadness for a while.

At the luggage claim I parted ways with him. I grabbed my stuff and waited outside for Natalie to pick me up. I had explained the situation to her last night and she agreed to pick me up.

Finally, she rounded the corner and pulled up in front of me. "Hey," I said as I got in the car.

She raised her eyebrows. "Hey? That's it? I don't even get an explanation?"

Nat began to drive. "I don't want to talk about it now. I promise I'll tell you everything when we get home, alright?"

The rest of the ride was silent and we got back to the apartment. Everything was reminding me of Patrick, even the god damn front door. How many times he knocked on the door to take me on a date...

Once again, I shook myself of the memories. I couldn't daze off now. Natalie sat me on the couch as soon as we walked in the door. "Spill. Now."

And I told her everything.


this isn't a very interesting chapter, but I couldn't just go inactive for two weeks and leave off on a super depressing chapter right?

also congrats to patrick kane with his 22 game point streak! keep it up showtime

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