37: Sick

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Patrick's POV

I woke up this morning and my first thought was: oh shit.

I ran to the bathroom and immediately began to throw up into the toilet. I finished vomiting and sat back, running a hand through my matted curls.

I didn't feel like I had the flu but my stomach still felt sick. I wondered what I ate yesterday until I remembered the Chinese food. It tasted a little off, but I didn't think much about it then.

I got up from the bathroom floor and staggered back to bed. Jonny must've heard me throwing up because he knocked on my door.

"Hey Peeks, what's up?" He poked his head around the door. He grimaced when he noticed my condition.

"Food poisoning." I groaned as my stomach began to hurt again.

Jonny's eyes filled with concern. "I'll tell Q you can't make training today." Crap, I completely forgot we had conditioning today.

I thanked Jon as he left my room. I heard the front door slam shut. I rolled over and grabbed my phone to text Delilah.

Are you just as sick as I am?

A few minutes later she responded.

I've never thrown up more in my life

I was about to reply when I almost threw up again. I shot out of bed and to the toilet where I emptied the contents of my stomach yet again.

I slumped down on the bathroom floor and rubbed my stomach. I stood up and brushed my teeth. I changed my shirt and put on some deodorant before throwing a quick beanie on and grabbing my phone. I slipped my keys and texted Delilah that I was going to her place.

I grabbed a bottle of water and took some Aspirin, hoping it would at least get rid of the horrible stomach pains I was getting for a few hours. I put on some shoes before leaving the apartment, locking the door behind me.

The drive to Delilah's was short. I arrived there in less than ten minutes. I was starting to feel sick again and quickly rushed up to her floor. I knocked on the door a few times and waited for her to answer.

It took a few minutes, but a tired-looking Delilah finally answered the door. "Sorry it took so long to answer the door, I was throwing up," she stated as she opened the door wider to let me in.

"No worries, I-" I stopped talking and ran to the bathroom.

I threw up for the third time today. The stomach pains weren't going away, even with the Aspirin I took. This was some bad food poisoning.

Delilah helped me up and walked me over to the couch. We both slumped down on the cushions.

"My stomach hurts," she whined.

I rolled over to face her. "So does mine," I agreed. "What was in that food?"

She made a face. "I don't know, but I am never going to that restaurant again."

I let out a weak laugh. "Yeah, this is kind of all my fault. Sorry about that."

Delilah smiled but immediately her eyes widened and she sprang up from the couch. I got up to follow her but almost fell back over.

I gripped the side of the couch to steady myself and heard her throwing up in the bathroom. I slowly made my way over so I wouldn't fall.

Sitting down on the floor beside her, I began to rub her back. Her hair was already tied back but a few strands had escaped the bun that sat on top of her head. I brushed them back once she stopped throwing up.

Delilah coughed. "I think I'm done throwing up for the day."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "How do you know? I still feel sick."

She winced as she stood up and held out a hand to help me up as well. "I still feel sick too, just not as bad as before."

We held onto each other as we tried to make it back to the couch. "Where's Natalie?" I asked curiously.

"Working again," Delilah answered as she reached for the remote. "What do you want to watch?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, you can pick."

She shrugged as well. "I don't know either. You're the guest, you get to pick."

I gave her a look to which she just grinned back at me. "Fine. Lets watch The Mighty Ducks."

Her eyes lit up. "I love that movie!" She cheered, causing me to laugh.

Delilah clicked on the movie and we waited for it to load. I grabbed a blanket that was draped across the armrest. I scooted closer to Delilah and she snuggled up close to me. With her cuddled into my side and the blanket wrapped around us, I was really warm and cozy.

Woah Pat, getting a little sappy, eh?

The movie went by quick, and we only had to pause it to puke once. Man, this food poisoning was really getting to me.

"Aw, I love this movie. It's so cute," Delilah exclaimed as the credits rolled across the screen.

"Yeah, it's a classic," I agreed.

The rest of the day we watched movies and cuddled. Eventually we stopped vomiting, which was a good sign (obviously).

"I'm getting hungry but I'm scared to eat," I said after the fourth movie.

Delilah nodded and said, "Me too. I think I'm gonna go change clothes and then make some soup."

I stood up and stretched. "Good idea. I'm going to go home and shower. I'll be back in like a half hour." I kissed her cheek lightly before leaving her apartment.

Delilah's POV

I showered and got dressed in some comfy sweats and an old high school t shirt. I didn't feel as sick anymore, but I didn't feel back to 100% either.

I heated up some chicken noodle soup and watched an episode of Friends while waiting for Patrick to show up. The doorbell rang soon after I started the first episode.

I let him in and he looked much better. When he knocked on my door earlier this morning he was pale, his eyes were red, and there were dark circles under his eyes. Now he had a little more color in his cheeks and seemed more awake.

"Feeling better?" I asked with a small smile as I let him in my apartment.

"Definitely." He swooped me into his arms and hugged me to his chest.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, just swaying back and forth until I broke the silence. "C'mon, the soup is getting cold." The rest of my night was spent cuddled up next to Patrick with more movies and soup.


hey guys!

sorry this chapter is kind of a filler, there's gonna be some drama coming up in then next few chapters hahah

thanks for all the reads & votes, keep commenting! I love reading the stuff you guys post

-ava :)

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