62: Trash Talking

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Delilah's POV

The Stanley Cup came in two days later. I was excited to see it again because, well, it was the Stanley Cup.

Patrick took the Cup to several places in Buffalo, like a children's hospital and the community center. I went with him, along with both of our families. It was so fun to see all the little kids who look up to Pat, both figuratively and literally.

The rest of our trip to Buffalo went really well. After the two weeks we headed back to Chicago. My family had gone back yesterday so it was just Pat and I.

While we were waiting to board the plane, I decided to bring up the wedding. "So do you have any ideas for the wedding yet?" I asked him curiously.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Not really. I mean, we probably have to get married in the summer because of hockey so we still have a year to plan it."

"Good point," I agreed. "We should figure out a date soon so we can start making reservations and stuff. What do you think about June?"

Patrick nodded. "Sounds great. That way if we win the cup again everyone will be in a great mood," he joked.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't get ahead of yourself. You haven't even started training camp yet. How about June 25th?"

Patrick checked the calendar on his phone. "Perfect, that's a Saturday." Our flight got called so we stood up to board it. "One step closer to being married," he squeezed my hand as we waited in line.


A few days after we got back, I got a call from Natalie. We talked for a bit and decided to meet up for lunch to catch up.

I met her at a sandwich shop in between our apartments. I hugged her when she arrived. "Natalie! I feel like I haven't seen you in years."

"It's only been three weeks," she pointed out.

I rolled my eyes. "It still felt like years."

We sat down at a table and ordered our lunch. "Tell me all the details of you and Jon. How was Winnipeg?" I asked immediately.

"Woah, slow down girl." Natalie sat her drink down, purposely going slow just to annoy me. "Well Winnipeg was good. I met his parents and his brother David." She then launched into a story about how she had been trying to scare Jonathan but David had walked around the corner instead. Needless to say, David was a little wary of Natalie after that.

I laughed at her story. "No way. What did Jonathan say?"

"He just laughed. It was pretty funny," she responded. "But other than that the trip went pretty smoothly. I think his parents like me which is good. How was Buffalo? I know you already met his family so hopefully it wasn't too awkward."

The waiter brought out our sandwiches before I could respond. "Yeah, it was good. It was awesome to see the Cup and our families seem to like each other, which is always a good sign." I shrugged, not knowing what else to say.

We finished our lunch and did a little shopping before returning back home. I gave her a hug. "Text me later," I pointed at her.

She chuckled. "You got it boss."

I walked back upstairs with a smile on my face. It was great to see Natalie again. I got upstairs and found Patrick sitting at the kitchen table on his laptop. "Oh, you're back! Go get dressed, I'm going to take you out to dinner."

I smiled. "Sure, when should I be ready?"

"Can you do it in an hour? I already made reservations."

I nodded and went to go get changed. I picked out a summer dress and a cardigan along with some wedges. I curled my hair in beachy waves down my back. I did some light makeup and called it a day. I grabbed my purse, shoving my phone and wallet in it as I left our bedroom.

Patrick pecked my cheek. "You look gorgeous." Even after a year, he still knew how to make me blush.

We arrived at a sushi place and got our seats. It was one of those tables where they cook in front of you. We had dinner and decided to walk around the city.

I grabbed his hand as we walked towards Millennium Park, which seemed to be our favorite place in the city. We were quiet and just enjoying each others' company.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked him as we sat down on a bench.

Patrick smiled over at me. "I don't know, just remembering our first unofficial date. Remember when Natalie and Jonathan ditched us and we went to the movies?"

I laughed as I remembered it. "Oh yeah. It was really awkward at first because we still didn't like each other."

"And remember when your sister got cold feet a few months before the wedding and we had to look for her in the middle of the night?" He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "We've had some crazy times."

"Yeah, we have." I looked up at the dark sky. Since we were in the city you couldn't see too many stars.

Patrick ran a finger over the ring on my left hand. "I love you."

I leaned my head on his shoulder and looked down at my feet. "I love you too." I checked the time on my phone. "We should head back."

Patrick stood up and yawned. "Yeah, I guess we should."

We got back to the apartment and got changed into our pajamas. Once I got changed though, I wasn't tired at all. "Hey Pat, do you think I can beat you at NHL 15?" I asked with a smirk.

He raised his eyebrows. "Right now?" I nodded in response. "There's no way you'll be me. I call being the Blackhawks!" Patrick called as he jumped on the couch.

"Fine," I thought. "I'll be Dallas." Patrick gave me a quizzical look. "What? Tyler Seguin is really hot," I explained.

Patrick rolled his eyes. "You're getting married to me in a year, I don't think you can call guys like Seguin 'hot' anymore."

"Well I'm not married yet," I grinned cheekily. Our banter turned into trash talking as soon as the puck dropped. I scored in the middle of the first period. I got up and did a little victory dance because I knew Pat got a little competitive with this stuff. "In your face, Kaner!"

"Oh you just wait," he said. "Kazer is gonna light up the ice."

We continued playing and Patrick beat me 5-2. "That's not fair," I tried to complain. "You were Chicago and we just won the Cup."

"I told you me and Jonny would pull through," Pat smirked. "Let's do a rematch then. I'll be Toronto."

We kept playing NHL and even a game of foosball in the game room. By the time we went to sleep it was around 3 in the morning.

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