30: Just Because

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It was currently Saturday May 3rd. The Blackhawks had won the first game of the series against the Minnesota Wild.

I woke up at nine and made some breakfast for me and Natalie, who was still asleep. After, I decided to go to the gym. It's been a while since I worked out and I was dying to get active again. I threw on some running shorts and a shirt, making my way to the front door.

I left a note for Natalie before heading to the workout room in our apartment complex. I did some running and weights for an hour. I went back upstairs and showered and got dressed.

When I finally exited my room, I saw Natalie sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. "Morning," I said, sitting next to her.

"Morning. Want to go do some shopping today?" She asked as she took her plate to the sink and washed it.

I nodded. "Sure. What time do you want to go?"

She glanced at the clock and said, "How about around one?"

"Sounds good."


"What do you think about this?" Nat asked as she held up a flowy tank top.

"Cute," I agreed. "Try it on!"

We tried on a few more things before heading to the register. We paid for our things and left the store.

"So Natalie," I started off with a smirk.

She glanced at me. "Oh no."

"How are things with you and Jonny boy?"

She sighed and shook her head. "I knew you were going to ask. Well, things are good, I guess. We act like a couple but it's not official." She shrugged a little. "I'm fine with it, I don't really need a label to know we like each other."

I nodded and said, "Well I'm glad things are working out for you two."

"Thanks," she grinned. "When are we going to visit your parents again?"

"I don't know, it really depends on my work schedule," I admitted. I wasn't allowed to take any breaks except for emergencies because it was the playoffs. "Maybe we can head down next weekend."

"I think I'm free." We walked around a little more before coming to a cute little jewelry shop. "Let's go in here."

We walked inside and looked around. I found a few necklaces and bracelets that were cute. After I checked the price tag though, I put most of them down. I kept one necklace in my hand that was a simple gold chain with a small infinity pendant. It wasn't too expensive so I kept it with me.

I found Natalie looking at more necklaces. She gasped and showed one to me. "This is so pretty!" She gushed. She held up a silver necklace that had a heart pendant. It was simple and had a few tiny diamonds pressed into it.

Her eyes widened as she checked the price. "Nevermind, it's not pretty." She hurriedly put it back on the rack and began looking at earrings.

I looked at the price and felt my eyes widen too. $130?! It was really pretty though... I put it back and met Natalie at the register.

We paid for our things and checked the time. "Want to head back? I'm getting kind of hungry and those ramen noodles in the cabinet are calling my name," Natalie said.

I laughed. "Sure, let's go."


Patrick's POV

I made myself something to eat for dinner when Jon walked in. "Can I have some?"

Without waiting for my answer he grabbed a plate and scooped some noodles onto it. "Hey!" I protested.

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