58: Kaner Seals the Deal

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wow another update im on a roll!!


Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals was last night, and the Hawks lost, meaning they were now down in the series 2-1. Game 4 was in Chicago so hopefully our boys would get a win at home.

I woke up the morning after game 3 to one of Patrick's arms draped across my stomach. He got home pretty late last night, I woke up at 1am when I heard him come through the front door.

I headed to the kitchen and made myself some scrambled eggs and toast. I put another slice of bread in the toaster for Pat when he woke up. I ate my breakfast and went on my phone, checking my text messages.

I had to head in to the UC today to download some more footage onto my computer for that highlight reel project we had. I showered and got dressed in a pair of light jean capris and a tank top with a cardigan over it. No matter how warm it was outside, it was still freezing in the rink. Maybe because there's ice in there, dummy, I thought to myself.

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I slipped on a pair of flip flops and put my laptop in my bag. I left a note on the kitchen countertop for Patrick, telling him where I had gone.

I headed over to my office and got there at around 9:30. Since it wasn't an official work day, I didn't really need to dress up or be on time. Also, my manager had been more lenient about letting us work from home, so I could sleep in and wear sweatpants all I want.

I slung my bag off my shoulder and onto the floor by my chair. Ally wasn't here yet, although she told me she was coming in today. We were going to grab lunch after work.

I quickly finished my work and headed out with Ally. She had arrived when I was about halfway through my work.

"I would ask you how you've been, but I see you every day so I already kinda know," Ally chuckled as we walked to a nearby restaurant.

"Very true," I commented. "Got any plans for the summer?"

She told me she was going to visit her family in Wisconsin for a bit, and I shuddered internally. I didn't like Wisconsin. All they had was cheese and badgers. Plus, I've gotten lost a few times while at the Wisconsin Dells as a kid so the state brings back some bad memories.

Anyways, we finished our lunch and parted ways. I wondered what Patrick and I were doing for the summer. We hadn't discussed it yet. Obviously, if they won the cup then I would go to Buffalo with him for his day with the cup. I wondered what would happen if they didn't win the cup though. Only time will tell.


Patrick's POV

This was it.

This was our chance to win 3 cups in 5 years, and on home ice too.

We all gathered in the locker room. Everyone was still joking around but you could tell that there was a more serious mood to everything. Jonny gave his captain's speech, talking about teamwork and the outstanding season we played so far. Now was our chance to finish what we started.

"Let's go boys!" Sharpy yelled as we all stood up.

"Let's bring Lord Stanley home!" Jon yelled and we all cheered.

We began walking down the hallway to the tunnel, where we would hopefully be playing our last game of the season. If we lose, we send the series to game 7 in Tampa. But if we win... We'll be champions.

Delilah's POV

"Shit, I'm so nervous," I muttered as Natalie put a hand on my shoulder. I was sitting in between her and Ally near the glass.

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