4: You Know You Love Us

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"Road trip!" Ally squealed in excitement as we got off the plane in L.A. I chuckled at her excitement but secretly I was excited to be going too.

We grabbed our luggage and picked up a rental car. We drove to the hotel that everyone who worked for the Blackhawks, along with the team, was staying at.

Ally and I were sharing a room this trip. We entered the room and there were two queen size beds, a couch and TV area, and a small kitchen area. I put my bag on one of the beds and sat down. "We should go out and explore the city, I mean we're only here until tomorrow afternoon," I suggested.

Ally nodded. "Good idea! Let me just change real quick," she said while grabbing some clothes and going into the bathroom. I was already dressed in shorts and a thin t-shirt.

We exited the hotel and walked in the direction of the beach. "So what do you think of the team?" Ally asked as we walked.

I shrugged. "I haven't really met them officially," I said, not wanting to say anything about Patrick. Just thinking about him made me angry.

"We should go to lunch with them tomorrow then," she replied. "They're all really sweet, for the most part."


Later that night, Ally and I were getting ready to go to the game. I put on a Hawks t-shirt and a pair of shorts. We grabbed our cameras and got into the rental car.

We drove to the venue and began to take pictures of the team. I got some really good ones of Toews and Saad. The boys finished with a 3-1 victory against the Kings. I hate to admit it but Kane was pretty good at hockey. He scored, along with Shaw and Keith. They all decided to go out for drinks afterwards and Ally and I tagged along.

We sat down and talked. I had volunteered to be the designated driver for Ally since I don't drink that much.


Later on in the night, almost everyone was drunk. I sat talking with Sharpie and Toews, the only other two who weren't at the bar.

"So Delilah," Patrick asked. "How do you like the team so far?"

I shrugged and gave a small smile. "Everyone's great! You guys are all so friendly I feel like you're the brothers I never had."

"Aww," Patrick cooed and pinched my cheeks. I slapped his hands away and Jonny chuckled.

"You're lucky I like you guys," I grumbled under my breath.

Jonny gave me a cheeky grin. "You know you love us."

I was about to respond when an obviously drunk Patrick Kane stumbled over. "Heeeeey guys!" He cheered loudly in my ear as he sat down in the booth next to me.

I shoved him over. "Don't touch me," I muttered, annoyed with his presence already.

He frowned and laid his head on my shoulder. "Why do you haaate me? We have to become friends!"

I tensed up and Jonny and Sharpie began to laugh at my expense. "Don't laugh at me!" I whined. "Patrick get off of me."

He laughed obnoxiously and stood back up. He swayed a little and said, "Fine but you have to dance with me." I was too confused to register what he just said. He had already grabbed my arm and was dragging me to the dance floor.

I looked back at Jonny and Sharpie and mouthed 'help' but they just sat there cheering and laughing.

Patrick stopped walking and began to try to get me to dance. I just stood there and watched him complain when I wouldn't dance. "Come on, loosen up! We just won the Stanley Cuppp!"

I shook my head and suppressed a laugh. "Patrick, you're not even halfway through the season yet. I'm going to sit back down." Patrick just shrugged and grabbed some other girl. Of course she was blonde, thin, and beautiful. Everything I wasn't.

Wait, was I getting jealous? No, of course not.

I shook the strange thoughts from my head and walked back to Sharpie and Jonny.

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