25: Not Too Shabby

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The next week was an average week.

I worked, the Blackhawks won most of their games, and I hung out with Natalie. We had been looking for an apartment and seen a few we liked. Today, we were seeing another one close to where we live now.

Natalie picked me up in her car on Saturday and we drove ten minutes to the apartment complex. "We're here," she announced as she pulled into the parking lot.

"I'm excited," I announced as I got out of the car.

"I'm getting tired of looking at apartments," she whined. "I hope this one is decent."

"Me too," I agreed as we walked inside.

We were met with a middle aged woman with a name tag that read Jane. She introduced herself and we followed her into the elevator. She told us a little about the building as we went up.

We arrived at the fourth floor as exited the elevator. She found the apartment a few doors down and opened the door.

We walked inside and had a look around. Me and Natalie shared a few impressed looks.

It had two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a fairly spacious kitchen/living room area.

"Not too shabby, I must say," I mumbled to Nat as we exited the apartment.

"Definitely," she agreed.


"So should we start picking an apartment?" Natalie asked the next day as she walked back into the room with two bottles of water.

She tossed one to me and I caught it. "Yep, so we looked at five total. What did you think of the first one?"

"Too small, even for us."

I nodded and we crossed that one off the list. We continued doing this until we were left with two options.

Finally, we decided on the last apartment we had just seen that day. "Great, let me call the lady Jane and we can meet up with her to sign the papers and stuff."

Natalie left the room and I pulled out my phone. I had one new text.

Patrick: hey babe, how's apartment hunting going?

Delilah: babe? it's good, we just picked one out!

Patrick: what, you don't like pet names?

Delilah: no no, I think they're cute

Patrick: well babe it is

Delilah: aren't you supposed to be practicing now?

Patrick: were taking a break right now. want to get lunch later?

I checked the time, noticing that it was only 10:45 in the morning.

Delilah: sounds great, when and where?

Patrick: meet at panera at 12:30?

Delilah: see you then, babe ;)

Patrick: ;) very funny

I locked my phone as Natalie walked back in. "We have a meeting with Jane at 3:00 in two days!"

I squealed and jumped up. "Natalie we're moving in together! This is gonna be hilarious."

"You bet it will!"

I hung out with Natalie for a little bit longer before leaving to meet Patrick. I made the drive over to Panera, which luckily didn't take long.

We had been seeing each other every day, whenever we could. Patrick and I were practically inseparable.

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