44: For the Best

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Patrick's POV

"Thanks for coming, bye," my mom said as the last people left our house.

Jessica flopped down on the couch. "I'm so exhausted."

I was too, and all I wanted was to lay down and sleep. But I was also worried about Delilah. She's been acting really strange lately and I want to know what's going on.

"Well, I think I'm going to head up now. Night everybody," I said quickly and gave a small wave as I darted up the stairs.

I walked to the guest room and knocked on Delilah's door. "Lilah, you in there?"

There was no answer, so I knocked again. She still didn't respond so I twisted the door knob and found that it was unlocked. I peeked inside and saw the bathroom door closed. I could also hear the shower running.

I walked inside and sat on the bed. I took my phone out and texted a few people back while I waited. Soon the shower turned off and I could hear Delilah walking around the bathroom. The door opened and she walked out in just a towel.

"What the- Patrick, what are you doing in here?!" She asked.

Both our cheeks began to turn red. "Um, I just wanted to- You know what, I'll let you get dressed and I'll, uh, come back in a few minutes," I said and began to stand up. The towel barely went to her mid-thigh and was very distracting.

Delilah let out a small laugh. "Just wait here, I'll be out in a few minutes." She grabbed some clothes and went back into the bathroom.

A few minutes later she came out in a pair of sleep shorts and a t shirt. "So what did you need?" she asked as she dried her hair with the towel.

I decided to get straight to the point. "I was just wondering what was bothering you. You haven't been acting like yourself lately."

Delilah tried to fake a smile. "It's nothing."

I gave her a 'yeah right' look. She sighed and sat down, putting the towel next to her. "It's just that ever since Rachel showed up, I feel like she's taking you away from me," she said while staring at her feet.

I scooted closer to her and put an arm around her. "Don't worry, she's not. She's just happy to see me since it's been-"

"How can you not see it?" she interrupted me. She scooted away from my side to look me in the eyes. "She's been all over you since last week at the restaurant."

I began to feel a little frustrated. "Delilah, why don't you trust me? Nothing is going on with Rachel and I."

"Not yet," she muttered under her breath.

"Why don't you believe me when I say that there is nothing going on?" I asked.

She hesitated. "It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't trust her."

"But why?" I wondered. "She's a nice girl, why can't you just see that we are friends?"

"Because she's a bitch!" Delilah raised her voice.

My eyes widened. "Don't say that about her. You don't even know her."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," Delilah mumbled. "You're so ignorant that you can't see she's trying to win you back. She told me just a few hours ago to back down from you."

I shook my head. I can't believe she's making these lies up. "Why do you hate her?"

Delilah threw her hands up in the air. "Why do you think?! She's a pretty girl who wants to date you."

"Rachel doesn't want to. She already had her chance," I said angrily.

"Well she obviously doesn't see that," she shot back.

I groaned loudly and put my head in my hands. "Why do you have to make everything more complicated?"

"Sorry I'm such a distraction," she muttered.

"Delilah, c'mon, you know I didn't mean that-"

"Yeah but you were thinking it." She stood up and walked to the door. She opened it, a gesture for me to leave. "I'm sorry Patrick. I'm sorry I came into your life."

I began to panic. "Delilah no, that's not- Don't say that-"

She shook her head. "You're right. I am a distraction. You should focus on hockey and your family, and I keep getting in the way."

"No you're not!" I protested. Oh God, I hope I don't lose her because of this petty argument.

"You and I both know that it's true. Ever since I walked into your life, there's been drama. And I'm done with it." She shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry this is happening. I just don't think we are going to work out."

And in that moment, my world came crashing down.

"Delilah, you don't mean that. We can work it out. C'mon, don't do this," I desperately tried to reason with her. We had both gone from angry to upset in a matter of seconds.

A tear fell down her cheek but she hastily wiped it away. "I'm sorry. I'll be out by tomorrow morning."

"Please don't do this," I pleaded with her. I could feel a lump forming in my throat.

"It's for the best." She took a deep breath and gestured to the door.

I stood up and walked over to her. "If this is what you really want..." My voice trailed off. Her eyes looked pained but there was nothing I could do about it.

"It's for the best," she repeated, avoiding eye contact with me.

I sighed, feeling defeated. "I'm sorry, Del. I'm sorry I couldn't keep you happy."

I took one last look at her and, on an impulse, kissed her passionately. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, but just like every other time we kissed, I got butterflies in my stomach. How manly, right?

"I love you," I said. I took one last look at her and left her room.

I got back to my bedroom and flopped on my bed, feeling drained. My phone buzzed, and I saw a text from Rachel. I became infuriated that she drove us apart. I turned my phone off and tossed it across the room.

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, but I didn't wipe them away. And for the rest of the night, I laid there silently with tears streaming out of my eyes. I was in pain, the worse pain I'd ever felt.

Even after all that, I still loved her. I probably would love her for a long, long time. At least I had one last chance to tell her. Even though she didn't say it back.


the ship has sunk :(

anyways, I probably won't update for the next few weeks bc of finals but don't worry I'll try to update as much as I can!

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