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Delilah's POV

"Patrick, can you help Riley do her skates?" I asked as I sat down to do my own.

"Sure," he replied as he bent down and began tying them for our little girl.

Yes, we had a baby girl, Riley Erica Kane, who was now 5 years old. Patrick and I got married the year after she was born. Now, we were at the Blackhawks annual family Christmas skate at the United Center.

Plenty of the guys and their wives had brought their kids. Some were even out on the ice already.

I stood up and grabbed my daughter's hand. "Ready?"

She nodded half heartedly. Patrick had gone to talk with Brent Seabrook so I bent down to match Riley's height. "What's wrong Riles? I thought you were excited to learn to skate."

"I'm scared I'm gonna fall," she admitted, her blue eyes beginning to tear up.

I hugged her tightly. "Honey, don't worry about that okay? Me and your daddy are going to help you out."

She nodded and we walked to the tunnel. Right as we stepped on the ice, she began slipping. I began showing her how to move her legs.

"Hey babe," Patrick skated up next to me, spraying a little bit of ice on my legs.

I playfully glared at him. "Hey." I lowered my voice a bit. "Riley is scared so make sure she doesn't get hurt please?"

He pecked me on the lips. "You got it."

I skated with some of the other wives as I watched Patrick and Riley. I couldn't help but smile at them.

"Can you take over for a little? I'll be right back," Patrick asked as he handed Riley off to me.

"Riley do you want to go say hi to Carter?" I asked her, pointing to Seabs' kid who was standing at one end of the ice.

"Yeah!" She yelled excitedly. Although Carter was three years older than Riley, the two got along well. Carter always wanted to take care of Riley like she was his little sister.

We slowly made our way to the other end of the rink to where Carter was. The two skated a little bit with Dayna and I trailing behind.

Pat returned a few minutes later with his hands behind his back. "I'm back," he announced.

"I can see that," I smirked. "What do you have behind your back?"

He grinned. "You'll see." He turned his attention to Riley. "Hey Riles, I got something for you."

He took a hockey stick from behind his back and showed it to her. She was so excited, it was adorable. "Riley what do you say?"

"Thank you daddy!" She exclaimed and grabbed the stick. She began skating again, her and Carter passing a puck between them.

"Nice job," I nudged Patrick's shoulder as I watched our little girl.

"Thanks, I try."

I grabbed his hand as we skated around, taking in the atmosphere. "I love you, Mrs. Kane," he said and kissed my hand softly.

"I love you too." I smiled. "I'll race you to the blue line," I challenged.

"Oh it's on," he said. "Ready, set-"

I had already started skating though. Knowing Patrick and his competitiveness he would catch up and beat me in no time. Just as I had predicted, he whizzed past me.

I skated after him, slowing down a little bit. He stopped on the blue line and turned to face me as I skated in. I picked up a little bit of speed as I got closer and hockey stopped right in front of him, making sure to get his legs all full of snow. "Payback," I smirked as he glared at me.

The rest of the day we spent skating as a family. I was happy with the way my life was going, and I wouldn't change it for a thing.


that ending was super cliché but oh well

so that's the official end of Change!! i hope you all enjoyed reading, I loved writing it

im gonna have 2 new stories up soon, an Artemi Panarin one and a Jonathan Toews fic so keep an eye out for those lol

thanks for all the support!

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