20: Chris Pratt Is A Babe

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The weekend was finally here, and Natalie and I were supposed to hang out. "Hey, when are you coming over? I bought a bunch of junk food for tonight," I said while on the phone with her one Saturday night.

"I'll be over in a few," she responded before hanging up. I grabbed the chips and popcorn I bought, along with the movie. I set the food on the coffee table and put the movie in. I also brought over some spare blankets from the closet and set them on the couch.

The doorbell rang, and I let Natalie in. We talked about recent events between us as we made our way over to the couch. I told her all about the pranks that were happening with the Blackhawks.

I finally decided to bring up New Years Eve. "So Natalie," I started off with a smirk. "Anything going on between you and a #19?"

The redness on her cheeks gave away the answer. "It's nothing!" She protested.

"Oooooh, Natalie's in love!" I yelled with a laugh.

She just rolled her eyes. "Why don't you yell it a bit louder, I don't think they heard you in Russia."

"Okay," I shrugged. "NATALIE'S-"

"Shut up! I'm not in love," she yelled as she practically tackled me as she rushed to cover my mouth.

"Obviously there's something going on between you two," I pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess..." She mumbled something under her breath.

"What was that?"

She sighed but had a grin on her face. "Jon may or may not have..." She trailed off and mumbled the rest under her breath.

I gave her a 'really' look. "C'mon, tell me!"

"Jon may or may not have asked me on a date a few days ago."

My eyes got wide. "Are you serious right now?!"

She laughed. "As serious as the captain that asked me on a date."

"Natalie that's awesome! When is it?"

"Tomorrow night, can you come over before? I'll probably get too nervous and tell him I'm sick. I should probably do that now, he would never like someone like me," she rambled on. "Why would he even ask me out in the first place? I better call him and cancel so he doesn't get embarrassed to be seen with me in public-"

"NATALIE!" She stopped talking and looked at me. "Chill out, it's just a date. You guys are probably just going to dinner or something, it won't be that huge. I'm not letting you bail on this," I gave her a pointed look.

"Yeah, I know." She grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it in her mouth. "Anyways, what's going on with you? Got your eyes on anyone?"



NO. THIS CANT HAPPEN. NO WAY. "Um, nope, nobody," I lied while looking around. "Zero people, zip, nada. No way José."

Now it was her turn to give me the 'really' look. Dang, this girl was good.

"I mean, I guess this one person isn't TOO bad," I said casually.

"I knew it!" She called out. "Who is it? Tell me!" She begged.

"It's..." I glanced around the room again. "Chris Pratt!" I blurted out, spying the Guardians of the Galaxy movie on my coffee table.

"Yeah, Chris Pratt is a babe," she stated nonchalantly.

Phew. That was a close one.

"Buuuut, you never answered my question. You like someone, I know it," she raised her eyebrows.

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