21: It's A Pixar Movie

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I stood there in the entryway of Natalie's apartment, staring at Patrick. His left wrist was in a brace and he was looking around.

"What are you doing here?" I finally asked.

He shook his head. "I don't know. Jonny told me he needed help at the grocery store but then he drove here. I knew he was dressed too nice to go food shopping."

I laughed and said, "Well, alright. I guess I can drive you back to your apartment. Or we can go see a movie or something, I don't really care." I bit my lip nervously. Why did I just invite him to go out? Now he probably knows I like him. I'm honestly the stupidest person I've ever met.

"Yeah, let's go see a movie!" Patrick suggested.

"Okay, let's go."

Jonathan's POV

Natalie and I high fived as we left the apartment. "They're finally gonna get together!" She exclaimed excitedly. I chuckled in response.

I had talked to Natalie earlier in the week about how Patrick liked Delilah, to see if she felt the same way. Natalie thought so but wanted Delilah to admit it. So when she finally did, Natalie told me right away and we devised a plan to get them alone together.

We were geniuses.

Patrick's POV

I better not screw this up.

Delilah's POV

Well shoot, I didn't expect him to agree.

We made casual conversation on the way to the movie theatre. I asked him about his injury and found out that he had sprained his wrist. Luckily, he would be back in time for playoffs since he was only out for one more week.

I pulled up to the movie theatre with Patrick in the passenger seat. "What movie should we see?" He asked as we looked at all the options.

"I'm not really sure. How about... Inside Out," I motioned to the big movie poster on the wall.

He raised his eyebrows. "For real?"

"What, are you too great for the wonders of Disney? You know, Disney movies are classics-" I started.


"And they should be appreciated. I don't care if this Disney movie is for little kids-"

"Delilah, it's-"

"I want to see it because Disney movies are the best kind of movies-"

"Delilah!" Patrick yelled.

I looked over at him. "What?"

"It's a Pixar movie."

I threw my hands up. "Well, if you know so much about it then I guess you do want to see it."

He shrugged but had a smile on his face. "I guess. Let's buy our tickets."

We bought two tickets and went to go get concessions. Patrick paid for my ticket, like the annoyingly sweet guy he was. "Now I get to pay for the food, okay?"

He snorted. "Yeah right. You're never supposed to let a girl pay on a date!"

He froze and his eyes went wide. My eyes widened too, but I decided to not embarrass him and just play it off. "Please, I'm pretty sure I can handle paying for some candy." I could feel myself still blushing from his previous words, and his cheeks were still a little rosy too.

"Whatever you say," he winked and walked up to the counter.

We ordered a large popcorn and some candy. I got my wallet out and was looking for a twenty dollar bill when I glanced up to see Patrick handing over some money. He grabbed the food and motioned for me to follow him.

"Patrick," I whined. "I was supposed to pay! Here," I stuffed the $20 in his free hand as I took the popcorn from him.

"No way, take your money back! It's okay, I can pay for it." He shoved it in the pocket of my jeans. I followed him to the theatre where Inside Out was playing.


After the movie was over, we threw out our empty garbage and exited the theatre. "That movie was so cute," I gushed as we walked.

He laughed. "Yeah, it was," he admitted. "Oooh, I really want to see that movie." He pointed to another theatre that was playing some action movie.

"Let's go watch it, then," I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him in the direction of the theatre. Tingles shot up my arm when our hands made contact. I felt myself blushing again, but I shook it off and let go of his hand once he was walking next to me.

After a few seconds, he grabbed my hand again and intertwined our fingers. I grinned and tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach as I looked down at our hands, then at Patrick. He was still looking straight ahead but there was a big smile on his face.

After watching the action movie, we decided to see one more before leaving. "Jurassic World!" I exclaimed, pointing across the building where it was playing in fifteen minutes.

"Sounds good. Let's get some more popcorn though, I didn't eat dinner," Patrick said.

We got more popcorn and this time, I paid. We were walking when suddenly, my foot got caught on the floor beneath me and I tripped and fell flat on my face. Great.

To my surprise, Patrick tripped himself and fell down next to me too. The people around us stopped and stared. Someone else a little further down tripped on purpose too, and before I knew it there were six of us laying on the floor, one on accident and the other five on purpose so I wouldn't feel embarrassed.

I stood up and brushed myself off. I offered Patrick a hand and helped him up. "That probably wasn't very good for my wrist, but oh well," he said with a cheeky grin.

"Sorry. That was pretty funny though, the way those four strangers fell too," I laughed.

He joined in and soon we were two adults laughing in the middle of the movie theatre. "I guess we better go get some more popcorn," he finally said. We both looked at the floor where our once-full popcorn was now strewn all over the ground.

We finally watched Jurassic World and decided to leave the movie theatre. I told Patrick I would drive him home, since he had no way of getting around because Jonny had driven him to Natalie's apartment.

Huh, those two were strange.

Patrick and I laughed about the crazy night of theatre hopping on the way to his apartment. "This was fun, we should maybe do it again sometime," he smiled at me when we pulled up in front of his and Jonny's apartment complex.

"Definitely," I grinned. He wasn't as bad as I originally thought. "Bye Patrick."

"Bye Delilah, see you later." He opened the door, but before he could exit the car he leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to my cheek. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as he smirked at me and left the car.

What was this guy doing to me?

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