•Chapter 46•

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Mark had not realized Donghyuck was awake until he felt the younger rubbing his chest, specifically one of his scars.

Donghyuck could feel the healed, stitched up line on the older's skin as he lifted his head to look down at it.

He really wanted to know more about the older, but he knew pushing him was not something he should because he did not want Mark to get angry with him.

Donghyuck just frowned and laid his head on top of Mark's chest, moving his face for a few seconds to kiss one of the many scars on the older's torso.

"After my father rid of his soulmate bond with my mother, he felt like he had the chance to make me who I am today," Mark suddenly spoke which startled Donghyuck a bit because he had not known Mark was up.

Donghyuck just listened, keeping his head on top of the older while Mark played with his hair as he twirled his fingers in them.

Though, Mark could feel the younger's heartbeat pound against his chest.

"Sorry, angel," Mark whispered an apology for scaring him, kissing the younger's forehead who hummed in reassurance.

"You see, I'm obviously not like my brother in so many ways and we know how my dad preferred him over me because it. I had a lot traits of my mother that my dad just wanted to get rid of so badly," Mark sighed.

"And he was able to try and do that as soon as she passed away. He didn't care about her. He just cared about the damn mafia that I never wanted to join in the first place. But of course, I was still jealous of the fact that Taeyong was naturally good at this type of stuff," Mark explained. "And so with that, my dad forcing me into this, and my mother passing away because of him, I became angry."

"I was grieving my mother's death but they didn't care and just continued with their missions while I was still being trained as a child," Mark spoke with hatred linked in his voice which made Donghyuck sad.

"My mother always advocated for me and stood up for me in front of them, telling my father not to drag me into the mafia world. But he never listened and was still training me...and it wasn't your typical training either. He wanted me to be more like him and not my mother who was kind, caring, respectful, empathetic, sympathetic, and so much more."

"She was the first person I came out to when I was younger," Mark chuckled a bit. "Sure I was a child, but she still showed me so much love and support. I trusted her with anything and everything."

Donghyuck smiled sadly.

The way Mark spoke about his mother was so endearing and so passionate. He could tell he misses her so much and that he longs for her.

"You really miss her, hmm?" Donghyuck softly asked, raising his head a bit to look down at his soulmate who gave a small smile and nod.

"My poor, baby," Donghyuck uttered quietly, kissing the tip of Mark's nose.

Mark giggled a little, pulling Donghyuck to lay back down so he could play with his hair again.

"She was my world...just like how you're my world," Mark stated and if he saw the blush on Donghyuck's cheeks, he would surely tease him for it.

"The one thing I looked forward to..the one person I missed, was stripped away from me," Mark was getting upset again. "It's like ripping off a bandaid, either you rip it quick with a tiny bit of pain or slowly with the pain barely going away. And that's how my father ripped the bandaid...slowly and painful."

That sounds quite traumatic and Donghyuck felt terrible that he experienced such things at a younger age.

"Training became more violent and aggressive. He wasn't training me to be in a mafia...he was training me to conform me into a person who I'm not," Mark spoke. "Through time, I grew colder because I hated him. I hated him and my brother and that was my motivation."

"That didn't make me feel any better however, I just didn't want to be apart of the mafia but there was no way out of it since I was born into it. My mother could only do so much to prevent it from happening and I saw her get beat by my father for trying to protect me," Mark gritted his teeth.

"He's literally a psycho. How do you beat your soulmate like that and then on top of that, not feel the pain?" Mark rhetorically asked.

Donghyuck rubbed his names that was tattooed on Mark's collarbone in hopes of relaxing the older a bit.

"I remember my first mission like it was yesterday," Mark chuckled dryly. "It was freezing outside because there was a blizzard happening and I was only in my mid teens."

Donghyuck listened very intently, knowing Mark was about to say more about his past life. He was curious to know what it was like because he wanted to understand his soulmate even better.

"I couldn't come back home until I killed someone," Mark flatly spoke as Donghyuck gasped, covering his mouth with his hand.

"My father locked me out of the house without proper attire, no coat, no boots, no scarf..nothing like that. Just my t shirt, jeans, and sneakers. I almost froze to death," Mark recalled. "He always told me that I never accomplished anything until I've killed at least one person a day and so that stuck with me till this very moment."

"I always feel like I don't get anything done unless someone is dead in my hands," Mark truthfully spoke. "I know it's fucked up in the head...I'm fucked up in the head."

"No!" Donghyuck protested, sliding off Mark's body to sit beside him—they both sat up against the headboard. "Don't say such things. It's not true at all. You're very much a sane person, Minhyung and your mother would be so proud of you."

Mark smiled sadly and shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. She called me a monster before."

Donghyuck shook his head vigorously. "No she didn't. She told you father that she didn't want you becoming a monster like him, following in his footsteps. Are you following in his footsteps right now?"

There was a silence as Mark just stared blankly at him.

"No, you're not. You are not your father at all. You're completely different than him. You're still the same son your mother cherished as a child. You have a big heart, Minhyung. Don't let people take that away from you because you deserve to be happy, not miserable," Donghyuck concluded.

Donghyuck could tell Mark was in deep thought and so to crush the negative things in his head, he spoke again.

"You should me your loving side all the time. You take care of me. You protect me. You let me make my decisions. You make me feel cared for. You always tell me when you have to leave. We are working on communication and understanding together...you have so much patience for me when I act like an idiot. You are so thoughtful and you always think about me. You let me speak up when everyone else thinks I shouldn't. You make me feel known and heard and loved, Minhyung. And I know your mother is proudly watching you right now, smiling at the way you treat me."

"But I act like a dick at times," Mark added, trying hide his forming smile as Donghyuck shook his head again.

"So the fucking what?! You're human, Minhyung. No one is perfect at all. The whole point is that you're trying and you own up to your apologies when you know you did something or said something wrong. Not many people can do that and you're doing a great job at it. I'm proud of you....you don't have to change yourself for anyone, only yourself if you wanted to," Donghyuck assured.

Mark smiled brightly, pulling the younger in his lap before crashing their lips together.

Donghyuck hastily pulled away, their foreheads touching, "I love you so much that my heart swells and feeling like it palpitates outside of my body. You make me feel so warm and cozy inside. And so it actually hurts me to hear you speak so negatively about yourself. I just want you to know how perfectly amazing you are. You're not a monster..if anything you're a  hero. If you're going to remember anything from this conversation, remember that. You're my hero, Lee Minhyung."

"My sweet angel...i love you too so so much," Mark responded, hovering his lips over the younger's before pressing them together again.


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