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A/n pov:

A girl was knocking on the door from past 10 minutes while holding flower bucket in her hand

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A girl was knocking on the door from past 10 minutes while holding flower bucket in her hand

???: Why isn't she-

Suddenly the door opened to reveal a lady in 50's and girl spoke

???: Uff ho mom...where were you...i have been knocking continuosly-

???: Chill gauri...I was in kitchen and didn't heard the knock because of the sound of exhaust fan..

Gauri: anyways here....

She shoved the bucket of flowers to her and entered inside the house in hurry

She shoved the bucket of flowers to her and entered inside the house in hurry

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Lady: gauri what happened? Why are you in hurry?

Gauri: mom I'm late for the the work...

Lady: calm are not late yet...there is still 10 minutes late.. eat breakfast first

Gauri: not today mom just pack my lunch and I'll be off..

Lady: this is the fourth time you are saying this gauri...I swear I'll kick your a$$ someday

Gauri: sorry mommmm

She yelled from upstairs while being getting ready in her room

She yelled from upstairs while being getting ready in her room

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She comed her hair and fixed her dress..

Her look:

She came downstairs and her mother handed her tiffin box

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She came downstairs and her mother handed her tiffin box..

Gauri: oh you really packed my lunch..

Lady: not only lunch but breakfast too. You have to eat the brunch and don't you dare to leave anything...

Gauri smiled and hugged her mom

Gauri: thank you so much mom..for taking care of me...

Lady: always my child..

So this was gauri and her mother... swaparna chaturvedi...a happy family or at least what it seems..

Gauri: okay mom I'm going...bye

Swaparna nodded and gauri left the place..

Swaparna looked at her disappearing figure and then towards photo of her late husband...

She went near the frame and traced her fingers on the bead of the frame..

A sigh left from her mouth as she still not got over of her husband's death..she remembers him everyday every night...

Sighing she sat on the sofa and got lost in her thoughts..

Time skips~

Gauri reached at flower shop while huffing to meet none other than her only best friend nitya

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Gauri reached at flower shop while huffing to meet none other than her only best friend nitya..

Nitya: aaram se..
( Slow down )

Gauri: sorry yaar for being late...was still stucked at plucking flower in the jungle..

Nitya: it's alright gauri...I told come slowly and carefully...why tf you always come running...

Gauri: come on I don't want to get late for my work...

Nitya: chill gauri...the costumers are yet to come...

Gauri: whatever

She came inside and placed the bag on counter

Nitya: girl I genuinely care about are over tiring yourself

Gauri: no nitya...I'm fine...

Nitya: oh really gauri...

She went near her and hugged her

Nitya: I can understand how does it feel to take all the responsibilities of your family after de@th of your father...

Gauri face went slightly sad and she replied

Gauri: I miss him nitya...I miss him so much...

Nitya rubs her back gently and spoke

Nitya: it's alright I'm with are really a strong girl... don't worry we are together in this...

Gauri smiled and hugged her back..

So this was the glimpse of gauri's daily life...her father died due to cardiac arrest, leaving swaparna and gauri one came forward to take the responsibility of both the females even their relative denied taking care of her mother so gauri came forward and decided to took the responsibility of her and swaparna..but she had to paid the price and that's is, by leaving her college in middle.. leaving her studies..

She started working in her friend's flower shop which was none other than nitya...nitya supported gauri in her every difficult moment..
Both besties now run flower shop together and it's doing well.. although income is not much but enough to have meals for three times and to pay bills..

Whatever the total earning came...nitya gave gauri's more than half of the money to gauri.. because she need more than her..and nitya's parents are still well established..she just do this work as hobby plus gauri is incharge of the shop while nitya as her partner while continuing her studies

Nitya tried to pursued gauri to rejoin college and nitya's father was ready to pay the tution fees but gauri denied saying she wants to be independent..

Even after all the suffering..gauri nevers give up while keeping smile on her face and happily fulfilling her responsibility..

But she is unaware of one thing that her life is about to take a big turn soon..

- to be continued

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