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A/n pov:

Gauri was shocked to see chitra standing in front of her as chitra smiled mysteriously

Chitra: you want to know where are the keys right?

Gauri didn't replied anything and just stares her while chitra chuckles

Chitra: I know I know you must be mad at me for my previous action for which I apologise and to make up for it, I'll tell you where you'll find the keys..

Gauri: why you are helping me unlike other members who didn't even ready to ounce a word about this room..

Chitra: didn't you heard what your mother in law said, I'm just here as a guest so definitely I'm not with them..but yes I do know what's behind this door after all I'm close to Neel...

She said last sentence with mor
Which gauri clearly didn't liked it but she ignored it for Now

Gauri: then tell me straight what's behind this door and who is Anam ratna sehgal?

She laughed which made gauri confused

Chitra: ah tbh she is used to be my first enemy....

Gauri: just tell me already, I am not interested in knowing what happened between you two

Chitra: anyways...I won't tell you gotta find yourself because you know finding something on your own has it's own unique satisfaction.. so...I'll only tell you about the keys..

Gauri: fine where are the keys...

Chitra: look the keys were in pair, one is with Sakshi aunty and Neel keeps the another one.

Gauri: surely I won't be able to lay my hands on key which is with mom...but then again I don't know where Mr sehgal use to keep the key

Chitra: don't worry I also know this, it's in his bedroom, in locker, the password is 1970

Gauri: know so much

Chitra: of course baby, my name is chitra surely I'll know everything, anyways my turn is over and now it's your turn

Gauri: still answer me why you are helping me..

Chitra: because I think you deserves to know the truth and this will test your love and trust for Neel...

Gauri: what do you mean...

Chitra: you'll fons out soon..for now bye...

She taps on her cheeks and leaves the place leaving Gauri dumbfounded..

Time skips~

Gauri was in her room thinking about chitra's words

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Gauri was in her room thinking about chitra's words

Gauri: what is she meant by test if trust and love...

" Kya Mr sehgal kuch bhaut bada chupa rahe hai..? "

( Is Mr sehgal hiding something big)

Gauri: anyways I have to find that key as soon as possible and I'll search his wardrobe rn...

She looks towards the time and spoke

Gauri: there's still time for him to come back...

She immediately opened his wardrobe and starts searching the locker, she found it inside the surface of the wardrobe and remembered the password

Gauri: what was it's 1-9-5-0...

The locker got opened with a ting sound where gauri smiled slightly

Gauri: chitra was where's the key

she starts searching the file and finally found it underneath the cash

Gauri: yes!!

She picked the key and was about to close the locker when she hault on her steps..

Gauri: wait....if Neel found the key missing surely he will doubt on me...what should I do now...

She was thinking hard when an idea popped in her mind...

She went towards her wardrobe and pulled out the flower bouquet while removing the flowers from it.
She finally find the Oasis foam..

She took the key and pressed hard inside it which is exactly got printed as it is on it...

Gauri: now I'll have the key and Neel also won't be able to catch me..

She smiled in victory and quickly went near the locker and placed back the key while closing the locker and then wardrobe when suddenly she heard the click sound of the opening of the door

She quickly threw the Oasis under the bed and Neel entered while Gauri greeted him

Gauri: welcome back...

She smiled nervously which Neel noticed it but he shrugged it off and replied

Neel: hii...

Gauri: are here early though...

Neel: oh yes, I attended every meeting and my schedule was off so I came back plus I have something to discuss with you too...

Gauri: with me??

Neel: yes..let's seat there...

Gauri: okay...

Saying this both took their seat and Neel pulled out some documents...

Gauri: what's this...

Neel: gauri, there's a tradition in this family that daughter in law in our family gets the half of the share of their husbands-

Gauri : but Neel I don't want this-

Neel: let me finish it first you cannot decline this since kavya also own half of the property as Karan has..and it's on mom request...

Gauri bit her lips and stars Neel who was staring her back

Gauri: uh okay then...tell me where I have to sign it...

Neel: here...

He showed the place where she has to put signature and gauri spoke

Gauri: okay, I'll sign it, first you go and get freshen

Neel nodded and got up from his seat while grabbing the towel and went inside the washroom

Gauri breathed out in relief and got up and lied down to find the Oasis foam. She grabs the foam and peeking towards the washroom door, she quickly shove it to her wardrobe and went back to her seat..

Gauri's thought: I just hope whatever I am doing, I won't regret it later...

- to be continued

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