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A/n pov:
Next day:

Gauri was helping her mother in making pickle while sitting in a balcony

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Gauri was helping her mother in making pickle while sitting in a balcony. Today nitya's college was off so she was handling the shop and sent gauri back and asked her to come in evening shift.. although gauri wasn't getting ready to leave but nitya forced her to go home.

After filling it in jar gauri got up and spoke

Gauri: mom if this is all then I'm going outside

Swaparna: beta one more thing!! I just remembered that Mrs sharma had gave me to stich her blouse and I have done it already so can you give it to her on your way

Gauri: of course mom..just hand me over the bag..I'll deliver to her

Time skips~

After delivering the bag she was going towards the shop when suddenly she saw some men misbehaving with a roadside vendor who was an old woman. They were poking her and poor old woman was begging in front of them. Gauri did not bear to see that old woman get humiliated and decided to interfere

Gauri : hello Mr who do you think you are to misbehave with her huh?*!!*

Man1: and who are you??? Her saviour?

All three men starts laughing and gauri roared

Gauri: yeah I'm her saviour...I'll stop you dare you all to harass this poor lady!! Don't you have manners

Man2: oh hello sweetheart...don't teach us manner get side and mind your own business...

Gauri slapped him so hard causing his face to turn other side. The public gasped and that man roared

Man2: b!tch-

He was ready to hit her when a hand stopped him. The man turned around to see a man holding his hand while throwing daggers with his eyes at him
Gauri also looked at him and got shocked to see the person

Gauri: you..

He punched that bad guy and he fell on the floor while blood oozes out from his mouth. It was none other than the man from yesterday with whom gauri collided

The remaining two standing men got scared and he spoke

???: If you all don't want to loose your life...then get out from this place..

Both men nodded in fear and took that person on their shoulder who was almost unconscious and left that place

The man dusted off his shirt and gauri turned towards the old woman

Gauri: are you okay?

Old lady: yeah I'm thank you beta..I'm grateful to both of you..

Gauri: it's alright aunty...they will not trouble you anymore

The old women smiled and turned towards Neel

Old woman: thank you beta

He simply nodded and left that place

Gauri looked at his disappearing figure and turned towards old woman

Gauri: okay aunty I have to go somewhere...take care!!

That old woman nodded and Gauri hurried behind that man.He was walking towards his car when gauri yelled behind him

Gauri: hello Mr wait!!

The man stopped on his tracks and gauri reached towards him

Gauri: thank you for the earlier...if it wouldn't had been you who knows he was almost knocked me out

???: Don't look for trouble and try Minding your own business...I'll not be always there to save you..

Gauri looked at him wide mouth and spoke

Gauri: listen dude I'm trying to be nice okay and you are being constantly rude with me from starting. I appreciate your help but you have no right to lecture me

???: But still you were lecturing me yesterday

Gauri: it's because you were at the fault

???: How come I? You are the one who wasn't paying attention so better stop v!ctimising yourself

Gauri: you-

The man didn't listened to her and left that place and gauri yelled

Gauri: I hope you fall in pit jerk!!! I hope you remain single forever!!!!

He didn't turned around and sat inside his car..

Gauri also turned around and left that place.


As soon as he sat inside the car someone spoke

???: you were so cold to her...

It was a voice of lady and he replied

???: It's doesn't concern me..I have nothing to do with her...

???: And yet you decided to interfere..

???: What are you trying to imply?

???: Exactly that which you are thinking..

- to be continued

Guys aren't you liking the story?? Because the amount of response I'm getting is too low... please don't be a silent reader and do comment and vote 🤧

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