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A/n pov:

The person was radiating a deep aura which was making atmosphere de@d silence. Gauri was shocked to see him as it was none other than Neel

Gauri: aap...(you)

Neel didn't said anything and step forward with some people behind him. Until this.. swaparna also came there along with nitya and got confused to see an unknown man in their house.

Neel turned towards Guest2 and spoke

Neel: you have no right to do character assassination...

That lady scoffed and replied

Guest2: and who are you to speak? I said what I said..this girl is jinx to chaturvedi family

Neel: and as I said who are you to to judge?

Guest2: if only you know what their relative thinks. Anyways this girl is walking trouble...and gauri will never get married...

Gauri face saddens and Neel roared

Neel: jaban ko lagam dijiye warna aapke liye acha nahi hoga...

( Watch your mouth otherwise it won't be good for you)

Gauri looked towards Neel who was looking de@d serious which made her shivered and so others

Neel: one word more about her and I'll not hesitate to ruin you... Gauri will definitely get married..." I'll marry her..."

Everyone standing there gasped including swaparna and nitya too while gauri watched him with blank face

Neel came forward and stood in front of gauri. He took out the small box and pulled out diamond ring.. he took her hand and slide down the ring in her ring finger...

 he took her hand and slide down the ring in her ring finger

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Gauri didn't pulled away her hand nor she reacted..she just stared Neel with blank face..

Neel: here you all go...she is now my fiancé and I'll not tolerate if anyone dares to lay a finger on her...

All guests got goosebumps while that lady just rolled her eyes and spoke

Guest 2: you will regret it... let's go vimla

After that everyone started leaving this place and now only nitya, swaparna, Neel and gauri were stood there

Finally gauri decided to ask

Gauri: how did you get our address?

Neel slightly smiled and replied

Neel: I got to know about it from locals

Gauri: Ohh...

Neel: it's not hard to find your address..

Gauri didn't said anything and swaparna asked

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