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A/n pov:

Here gauri was walking back and forth while thinking about the name which she read on envelope

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Here gauri was walking back and forth while thinking about the name which she read on envelope.

She was having a feeling that Neel is hiding something or maybe it's just yet imagination but whatever it was, it was clearly affecting her..

Gauri: something doesn't feel right...

She llwas thinking when suddenly her phone rangs, she picks the phone to see the caller ID

Gauri: unknown number??

She accepts the call and spoke

Gauri: hello?

???: janna chahti ho Anam ratna sehgal kaun hai...

( Do you want to know who is Anam ratna Sehgal?)

Gauri: who are you...

???: it doesn't matter who I am but this matter if you want to know or not...

Gauri: I do want to know...

???: great, then come to palladium hotel tomorrow.. you'll get your answer

Gauri: but-

???: sharp at 6 pm...

The caller cuts the call while Gauri becomes confuse. Many questions were running inside her mind and to get answers of all those, she had to go there...

 Many questions were running inside her mind and to get answers of all those, she had to go there

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Neel was sitting on his chair when chandar came Inside and spoke

Chandar: boss I found that person who was behind that incident

Neel looks toward Chandar who was looking down

Neel: who is that person...

Chandar: boss...that....

Neel: Speak chandar...who is it...

Chandar: chitra ma'am

Suddenly his eyes turns dark and he clenched his fists..

Neel: are you sure it was her??

Chandar: yes...I saw her in one of the CCTV camera near Chandelier knot...

He shows footage from that day where Neel saw chitra. He didn't said anything after that and abruptly got up from his seat.

He left the room and marched towards chitra's room.

He directly enters inside her room where chitra was reading book on her bed

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He directly enters inside her room where chitra was reading book on her bed..

She saw him and got up from her bed while neel starts coming towards her.
She hugged him and spoke

Chitra: see who came to me..Mr Neel seh---

Before she could had completed her sentence, Neel harshly push her away and spoke

Neel: why do you wanted to kill gauri...

Chitra: w-what...

Neel: oh stop with your dramas...tell me why you did that...

Chitra: I didn't do anything...

She spoke while looking down and Neel growls this time


Chitra gulps at his outburst and replies

Chitra: I- I tha-that-

Neel: listen to me chitra, if you dares to do something like this again then I swear I will forget who you are..and end up killing you...

Chitra looked at him in irritation and spoke

Chitra: why TF you are being so caring towards that middle class girl Neel...she is just here for your motive and noth--

Neel: chitra...

He spoke while looking inside her eyes

Neel: she is not an ordinary girl first but Gauri Neel Sehgal and secondly don't you dare to teach me what to do or what to not...mind your own business

With saying this he was about to go when he stops on his tracks after hearing something

Chitra: so you started having feelings for her...

Neel didn't said anything and chitra continued

Chitra: wow... it's not even a month and you started falling in love...again..

She came near him and whispered

Chitra: but what will happen if Gauri will get to know your true face...

He immediately turned around and chitra smirked while turning her heels

Chitra: she respects you alot right? are a kind of ideal husband for her but what if she discovers that his so called husband is actually a murderer...

Neel: Chitra!!!

He said while grabbing her neck making her choke on air

Neel: you are crossing your limit now...

Chitra:* coughs* *coughs*

Neel: apni hadh me raho...warna anjaam bahut bura hoga..

( Stay in your limits otherwise consequences won't be good )

She was struggling inside his grip and he left her harshly while she tried to grasp air..

Neel: it's my first and last warning to you...

After that he left that place while Chitra stomped her foot..

Chitra: not so easily Neel....

- to be continued

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