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A/n pov:

Gauri reached at shop while being all red face

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Gauri reached at shop while being all red face. Nitya noticed this and asked

Nitya: yo bro what happened?

Gauri: nothing yaar just encountered a weirdo

Nitya: eh?

Gauri: nvm, I'm here you can go now..

Nitya: oh okay btw....

Gauri: hm?

Nitya: well I have one assignment pending so.....*puppy eyes*

Gauri: god not again...

Nitya: please gauri please help me out this time too- I'll pay you for this

Gauri slaps her arms and said

Gauri: idiot I'm your friend okay... where's the money in between our friendship

Nitya: hehhe I thought-

Gauri: okay okay okay I'll do it...just give it me today before going home

Nitya: thanks yaar!!

She hugs her and gauri smiled

Time skips~

Gauri reached at her home where swaparna opened the door.

Swaparna: oh beta you are here..

Gauri: yeah mom..

She sat on sofa while leaning back

Swaparna: oh my poor child seems tired...wait I'll bring water for you

Gauri: no mom I'm fine....let's eat dinner today

Swaparna: then okay

Time skips~

After eating dinner gauri came inside her room and flopped on the bed

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After eating dinner gauri came inside her room and flopped on the bed. She sighed and opened her phone and clicked on gallery. She clicked on her father's picture and her face saddens

Gauri: how are you papa..I'm know today...

She always talk with his photo.. just like her mother she misses her father alot..she miss the care and warmth by her father..

After sharing her thoughts with her father she closed the phone and opened her bag. She took out nitya's assignment copy and started doing her work

Next day:

Gauri was in her shop when someone entered

Gauri: welcome- YOU!!!

It was him again..

Gauri: were you following me or what-

She stopped speaking when she saw a lady behind him

Lady: hello we are looking for a Certain flower..

Gauri: oh- okay ma'am sure...

She turned towards that man who was looking around the shop and she spoke again

Gauri: ma'am what flowers you are looking for?

Lady: it's krishnakamal phool ( passion flower)

Gauri: oh you are in time..we are still left with some..I'll bring you right away

And with that gauri disappeared inside and man turned towards the lady

???: Mom why are we here...

Lady: patience....Neel have patience

Gauri came out while holding packet

Gauri: here is your order ma'am

Lady: thank know I went to lots of shop but didn't find one..then I saw your shop so decided to give it a try

Gauri: thank you ma'am..our shop have variety of flowers..and we also take orders if you want specific kind of flowers species

That lady smiled and replied

Lady: so sweet of how much these costs

Gauri: 180 ma'am

Lady nodded and Neel spoke

Neel: you all accept card payment right?

Gauri: yes

She said with a fake smile and brought card swiping machine. He swiped the card and gauri spoke

Gauri: thank you please visit again
Lady nodded and Neel spoke

Neel: let's go mom

And with that both left that place
Gauri sighed and spoke

Gauri: so that lady was his mother...she was so polite unlike this jerk.. my goodness I keeping encountering him from few days..

 my goodness I keeping encountering him from few days

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Neel and his mother sat inside the car and she spoke

Lady: she is well mannered and sweet and she have only mother as her guardian..I think she is perfect candidate for you

Neel doesn't says anything and she placed her hands on his shoulder

Lady: remember Neel we need to carry out your mission..your past already holds biggest scar on Sehgals..and you are also dealing with that thing...I can't see you hurt

Neel: mom please don't talk about that

Lady: why don't you try Neel for one more time...she knows nothing about will be easy to gain her trust..

Neel sighs and replied

Neel: okay mom..I'll do as you say..

- to be continued

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