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A/n pov:

After Five days:

Finally covering herself with a viel she looked herself in mirror. A smile appeared on her face as today is her wedding...

Her gaze went towards the red mark on face which almost went away...she touched that area and a faint smile appeared on her face


It was haldi ceremony and after applying to groom, it was now gauri's turn

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It was haldi ceremony and after applying to groom, it was now gauri's turn...swaparna was already sitting besides her while sakshi was preparing haldi thali..

She came near gauri and spoke

Sakshi: gauri beta now it's the time

She nodded and sakshi starts applying haldi on her face..

Swaparna smiled and one by one everyone starts applying haldi on her face...

Meanwhile after being coloured by haldi, Neel was talking with his guest in hall..

Suddenly his elder brother Karan comes towards him..

Karan: Neel..

Neel: Bhai..

Karan: I'm so happy for you that you are getting married

Neel didn't said anything and looks down while Karan sighs

Karan: I know this wasn't easy decision for you but more or less you had to do it in either way..

Neel: Bhai..let's not talk about those things

Karan: but Neel Gauri will be your responsibility from now on...just don't hurt her because of whatever happened with you two years ago..take care of her
Neel didn't said anything and Karan placed his hand on his shoulder

Karan: just remember not everyone in same in the world and you cannot judge the whole world because of one person..

Back to gauri:

Gauri was smiling while haldi was applying to her when suddenly she felt her cheeks getting heat up

Gauri: what's happening...

a stinging and burning sensation starts building inside her cheeks and arms while she hissed in pain..

Gauri: ouch..

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