30 9 3

A/n pov:
Next day:

Gauri was removing the decoration since she was free today. She saw one garland hanging on curtain rail so she put down the chair in front of it and decided to pull it out.

She climbed up on the chair and tried to grab the garland when suddenly her feet slipped and she lost her balance.

She was ready to hit the ground when she felt something soft or soft big hands holding her waist..

She looked up to see none other than Neel who was staring her with his cold yet soft eyes. Gauri was admiring his facial features and thinking how handsome he is...nitya was right about this

Both stared each other for 2 minutes when Neel finally put her down..

Gauri: thank you...

Neel: be careful and not to use chair for doing that kind of thing..

With saying this he pulled out the garland and placed it on the table

Gauri: thanks

Suddenly Sakshi entered and gauri spoke

Gauri: oh aunty namastey...

Sakshi smiled and replied

Sakshi: namastey beta..can I come in

Gauri: sure.. please come inside..

Sakshi smiled and gauri made them seat on the sofa while Neel sat at single sofa

Gauri: I-I'll go and call mom

And with that gauri ran towards the kitchen and came back with swaparna.

Swaparna: namastey

Sakshi: namastey swaparna ji..

Swaparna: you must be Neel's mother..glad to meet you

Sakshi: likewise

Swaparna: do you both want anything?? Tea or coffee?? Or juice??

Sakshi: no no please don't do anything...I'm just here to talk you about yesterday Matter

Swaparna: ah yes...well as you see there is no one for me except gauri. She is the only thing I have with my late husband's every mother I also dreamt for my gauri to get married in good house and good family. Yesterday gauri was going to get engage but thing didn't went as planned...I am thankful for this young man who saved my daughter to being humiliated in front of guests..

Sakshi smiled and replied

Sakshi: I understand swaparna takes lots of efforts to raise and protect daughter. Actually I was about to come soon but before I could do that..Neel approached earlier than me..such a impatient person..

Swaparna smiled and gauri secretly too the glance of Neel who was sitting there with blank face..

Sakshi: so swaparna ji..I know what happened yesterday and therefore I want to apologise for that behaviour.. don't mind him..he fell for gauri at first sight..and told me about her..later when I visited her shop I met her and I have to say she is so kind and beautiful

Gauri awkwardly smiled and swaparna spoke

Swaparna: it's ok..I don't have any complain against him

Sakshi: *smiles* so you are ready to give your daughter's hand for my Neel right?

Swaparna thought for a moment and replied

Swaparna: sakshi ji...your son is great no doubt but I want to know about your family all are elites so...

Sakshi: oh I got it what do you mean don't worry... Gauri will have no problem in our family.. there are not much members but still I'll tell you..
Neel's uncle and her wife lives with us..Neel have elder brother who is married..and lastly his brother's wife's sister who sometimes lives with us..and as I said we don't care about the titles but person's nature

Swaparna: ohh...then...

Sakshi: swaparna ji I can assure you..Neel will take good care of gauri...she will be happy there too

Swaparna: hmm...

Swaparna turned around gauri and spoke

Swaparna: gauri what do you you want to marry him?

Gauri looks at swaparna and then Neel who finally stared her back..

Gauri: mom if you are happy with this then I'm happy too..

Sakshi gave victory smile and spoke

Sakshi: congratulations samdhan ji..
( in laws)

Swaparna smiled and congratulated back..

Meanwhile gauri was looking at Neel who was patiently looking at sakshi..

Sakshi: swaparna ji I have a request too..I want this wedding to be happen in three days..

Swaparna: huh why?

Sakshi: actually our rajguru said that next three days are best for the marriage and much more auspicious..

Swaparna: but I don't think I'll manage this soon..

Sakshi: oh don't worry about that..the marriage and all wedding rituals will take place from sehgal mansion..

Swaparna: from your house?

Sakshi: yes..since it was so sudden I want gauri to understand Neel completely so both can Start living there of course in seprate room..atp the wedding thing will also happen and gauri will also get to know Neel more..

Swaparna looked towards gauri who was looking towards her

Swaparna: well..if it what you all want then ok...gauri what about you?

Gauri: as you say mom

Swaparna: okay then gauri will go with you all

Sakshi: perfect...Neel will take you today.. pack your bags..I'll go back first to prepare for the welcome ceremony...

Swaparna: *smiles* gauri touch your soon to be mother in law feet..

Gauri quickly modded and touched Sakshi's feet.

Sakshi: god bless you and come quickly I'm waiting!!

She said with huge smile and gauri smiled back

- to be continued

Phew what long ass boring chapter..

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