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A/n pov:

At Sehgal mansion:

Neel was sitting with his mother while looking at photographs

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Neel was sitting with his mother while looking at was photos of nikhil and gauri.

Yes..Neel sent his man to keep an eye on gauri's house to enquire about daily lives

Sakshi was looking pissed off while Neel was bearing unreadable expression

Sakshi: now what Neel.. gauri's engagement is now fixed with that guy...

Neel didn't says anything and turned towards his man

Neel: find out every information about that man... everything..

The man nodded and left that place

Sakshi: are you even listening to me?

Neel: yes mom I am..

Sakshi: with great difficulty we got to know about this girl and now-

Neel: relax mom..."aapka beta Haari hui baazi nhai khelta"

( Your son does not play failed bet)

He got up and continued

Neel: Neel Sehgal's marriage proposal will surely go to gauri chaturvedi's house..just trust me

Sakshi: I trust you more than on myself..but

Neel: yes mom?

Sakshi: you are not forcing yourself to do this right?

Neel turned around and looks at her mother..

Neel: no mom....I'm ready for this with my whole will

Shakshi smiled and caressed his face


Gauri was sitting on her bed feeling anxious...she don't know but she wasn't having a good feeling about tomorrow

Gauri: oh lord why I'm having troubled thoughts...this feeling...I am feeling like something big will happen tomorrow and...and...

Suddenly her thoughts got interrupted when her phone rang..
She picked up the call with smile


Gauri: nitya..

Nitya: girl listen...I have two suits one is pink and another is orange which I should wear..

Gauri: oh that's why you called me?

Nitya: yeah anyways I sent you pics already...just decide

Gauri: okay okay

She sees the pictures and then spoke

Gauri: Orange one..

Nitya: okay okay bye I have lots of things to prepare

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