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A/n pov:

Late night~

Neel came inside his room to see Gauri still awake while reading a book which was placed on Neel's table.

He became shocked because he didn't expected her to awake around this time

Gauri: oh Mr sehgal you are here...

Neel nodded and took out his coat while placing it on the sofa while taking his seat. He leaned back and closed his eyes while Gauri noticed he seemed tired...

Gauri: Mr sehgal are you okay?

She asked while coming out from bed and Neel just hummed in response. She went near him who was now ruffling his hairs...

Gauri: are you having headache?

Neel: yeah little bit but I'll be fine in some time...

Gauri again looked at him whose face was clearly showing he was having a very heavy headache..

Gauri smiled and replied

Gauri: come here, I'll massage your forehead..

Neel shot his eyes open and replied

Neel: no I'll be fine trust me...

She didn't said anything and went behind the sofa where he was leaning and starts massaging his hair

Neel: I told you-

Gauri: jaroori nhai hai har dard se hamesha akele hi Lara jaye...kabhi kabhi help le Leni chaiye..

( It's not necessary to fight every pain by yourself, sometimes you should also seek help from others..)

Neel didn't said anything and he started feeling better by the time gauri was running her fingers on his forehead..

Gradually he started getting relaxed and he spoke

Neel: umm do you usually do this...

Gauri: what?

Neel: head massage..

Gauri: not really, sometimes maa needed it whenever she gets tired from household works..

Neel: ohh...

Gauri: yeah...

After some time She finishes her work and spoke

Gauri: how are you feeling now?

Neel realised his headache is completely gone and he spoke

Neel: wow..

Gauri smiled and continued

Gauri: whenever you feel like you need some relaxation, come to me...I'll help you out...

She said while looking straight inside his eyes who just stared her in amazement...

But suddenly something hits him his and he averted his gaze...

Again that feeling...

Gauri: anyways you should go to bed, it's pretty late anyways..

Neel: first I'll go and get change..

She nodded and he got up from his seat while Gauri going towards the bed


A man was sitting inside his private jet while going through someone's information

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A man was sitting inside his private jet while going through someone's information.

He kept the file on table and looked outside while having deep thoughts inside his mind...

Suddenly another man comes near him and spoke

Man: sir, in few minutes we'll land in Mumbai...

The seated man gives him guesture to leave and a smirk appears on his face..

Time skips| next day

Around evening:

Gauri was in the kitchen along with Sakshi helping her in preparing ingredients for the dinner. She looked towards the time in her phone and turns towards Sakshi.

Gauri: mom, I have to go to meet one of my friends, she just came Mumbai two days ago. She was asking to meet me so...

Sakshi: okay beta, go safely, should I call driver to drop you?

Gauri: no mom it's fine, I'll go by a cab..

Sakshi: okay if you say so

She nodded and left that place to meet that person in hotel

Time skips~

Gauri reached at palladium hotel and entered inside while dialing that number.

The person from other side doesn't accept the call but sent a message.

"Come at room no. 123"

She did as he said and went towards the lift and pressed 1st floor. After sometime door opens on the first floor and she starts searching the room number.

She finally found the room and knocked but no one opened the door.
She again knocked but got no response and she was about to message the number again when she felt something slipped from inside and she looked down to see an envelope.

She picks it and saw a paper inside it..

"Since you are here then let me tell you, Neel Sehgal is not what he seems, and whole Sehgal family is Hiding a big secrets from you. Something happened a year ago and that was a big blow to Sehgal family and it's not just a coincidence that Neel Sehgal met you asked you to marry him, he has big motive and wants something from you

The only way to know everything what happened year ago, you had to get the access of the room which is forbidden to entered. I'm sure everyone have warned you about that...

Once you'll get inside the room you'll get to know everything...

I can only give these much information to you and from now on you have to find everything from yourself...

Reading everything she folds the letter back and thought

Gauri's thought: though everything indeed seemed suspicious about this family but why should I trust this stranger, maybe he wants to harm Mr sehgal by manipulating me...but then again I want to know the truth too...

She sighs and starts leaving that place

Gauri: guess I have nothing but to follow this lead.

- to be continued

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