1- Beautiful

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Kim Taeyeon.

Got rejected at least five times, got cheated on twice, and got stood up for about three times. Four, if you include today's supposed date. The person should have been here more than half an hour ago and really, Taeyeon should have left the moment it passed five. But here she was, patiently waiting for her, desperately hoping that maybe, just maybe, she would show up.

Sipping what's left of her gone-cold coffee, Taeyeon finally decided that it's time to go home. And to be honest, getting stood up was quite expected. The girl was way too out of her league and she wondered where she got the courage to ask her out, without stuttering nonetheless.

After what it seemed like an hour of gathering her things, lingering for a little bit, and glancing at the shop's window, Taeyeon finally stood up to leave but quickly dropped everything to take back her seat. With the most apologetic look that she had ever seen, the girl rushed to where she was and of course, Taeyeon prepared herself for the impending rejection.

"I'm so sorry" That was the first thing that she said.

That was what everyone said when they're about to reject her. Taeyeon knew the drill so she remained calm and offered her best smile.

"It's okay"

"No, it's not" She sat on her chair after putting aside her bag. "The meeting went longer than expected and I stupidly thought I could squeeze in some time to go home, to shower and all. But clearly, I overestimated myself"

It was the first time that someone had explained themselves, quite elaborately to say the least, not because they were about to reject her.

"No, it's really fine" Taeyeon waved her hand dismissively.

"I would've messaged you that I was running late if I had your number" The seemingly subtle gesture to look away didn't go unnoticed in Taeyeon's eyes. "Can I.." Her cheeks started to turn pink at each passing second. "Can I get your number?" The way her smile faltered little by little was such an adorable sight.

Taeyeon couldn't remember the last time someone had asked for her number, let alone a girl as pretty as the one right in front of her.

"Sure.." Taeyeon fought the urge to grin like a fool while taking the girl's phone to save her number.

"Thanks" The way her eyes twinkled after retrieving the device was just as cute. "I should get my coffee" Taeyeon silently watched her standing up. "Do you want another cup? Or anything to eat? Or just.. anything?" It was such a relief that the girl was just as nervous, no matter how much she tried to mask it with that pretty smile of hers.

"I'm fine. No need to get me anything"

"Okay, if you say so" She nodded and made her way to the counter.

Taeyeon couldn't believe the girl took that much effort to prepare for their date. The thought inadvertently made her look at what she was wearing. Taeyeon still had her working clothes on, and there she was, looking all beautiful in that floral dress of hers.


Hwang Tiffany.

Got into five regrettable relationships, got stood up twice, and got asked out by girls for about three times. Four, including her date tonight. Tiffany inwardly scolded herself for being late for their date, she got carried away taking a hot shower while thinking about how she easily agreed to go out with a random girl she met at a bookstore, and just hoped that the girl was still there when she arrives.

Tonight must be Tiffany's lucky night because when she arrived at the small coffeehouse, the girl was still inside, standing and was probably about to leave but sat back again when their eyes met. She was quick on her feet and everything happened so fast that she could barely hear the words that came out of. Tiffany just made a fool of herself by explaining how she got there so late and to make things worse, she went on and asked for the girl's number, sounding too desperate for her own good.

But the good thing was, this girl seemed so nice and all that she said yes without any hint of judgement. Tiffany knew her face was betraying her, she was clearly aware how she was smiling like a fool after retrieving her phone. She felt silly for acting this way, especially towards a girl, because last time she checked, she was very straight and so not into cute petite girls.

So as she queued to get her coffee, Tiffany couldn't help but go back to her thoughts while in the shower.

Why did I say yes to a date with this random girl?

Am I into girls now?

Of all the people, why did I easily agree to a date with her?

Before Tiffany could get an answer to any of those questions, she found herself seated right across the said girl. "I got you waffles. I hope you don't mind" She placed the plate in front of her with a shy smile.

"You shouldn't have" The girl shook her head but went on to take a piece.

"It's the least I could do for making you wait"

"It's totally fine" She wiped with a napkin before setting it aside. The way her eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief made Tiffany's heart skip a beat. "Every second of the wait was absolutely worth it" The girl smiled brightly, much different from that flirtatious one at the bookstore.

"You're one of those, I see" Tiffany mumbled to herself while sipping her coffee.

"One of those what?"

"Flirty, sweet talker.. charming?" Tiffany didn't dare to look at her and completely missed how the girl's cheeks turned pink in an instant.

"A try-hard person, you mean?"

"No!" Tiffany snapped her head up, immediately regretting the embarrassing outburst. "You're not a try-hard person"


"Yes, not at all" The way she grinned at Tiffany made her heart skip a beat for the second time that night. "You're so cute as it is, you don't even have to try" She bit back her tongue after the sudden slip up.

"Well.." The girl almost giggled while cutting the waffles into pieces. "You are too" She smiled before standing up. "Excuse me, I have to use the toilet"

"Okay, sure" Tiffany nodded and just watched the girl disappear into the corner of the coffeehouse. She couldn't help but think how the girl looked so different now that she was wearing her working clothes. It took everything in Tiffany not to outright gush over her, because as much as the ragged look complemented the girl so well, she thought this formal-career-woman outfit suited her the best. How it accentuated her curves, how it showcased her toned calves, and how it made her extra beautiful.

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