2- The Meet

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0d : 0h : 5m : 56s : 21ms

I just got back from a long trip overseas and was on my way to meet my friend. The city seemed so different now, the streets, the stores, basically everything. Back then, I could easily go from here to there but now, I was practically running in circles in this neighborhood.

0d : 0h : 3m : 6s : 76ms

I was so sure that bakery was somewhere in here. Going back and forth was quite exhausting, and not to mention annoying. 

0d : 0h : 2m : 9s : 39ms

I glanced at my watch and there was only a few minutes left before the meeting time. My eyes scanned through each signage and these were the ones that I saw 5 minutes ago. 

0d : 0h : 1m : 20s : 47ms

I decided to turn around the corner. The place looked so unfamiliar but at the same time I felt a sense of familiarity in it. It was a bit odd but I brushed the thought aside.

0d : 0h : 0m : 55s : 24ms

I tried slowing down. Maybe I passed by the bakery because I was driving too fast. A look to the left, a pet store. A look to the right, a flower shop. Nothing seemed to go my way today.

0d : 0h : 0m : 27s : 14ms

I thought about calling my friend to cancel our lunch appointment but then I remembered how busy she was. Turning on the next corner, it wasn't that difficult to see that I was reaching a dead end.

0d : 0h : 0m : 10s : 16ms

I knew it was a lost call but my instincts said that I should keep going. So I did. Maybe it was a mistake. There was nothing but old looking shops.

0d : 0h : 0m : 4s : 11ms

I stopped along the sidewalk and decided to call my friend. Too bad I couldn't seem to have a clear signal.

0d : 0h : 0m : 1s : 54ms

I got out of the car hoping that I could get a better signal. My day was getting worse by each passing second.

0d : 0h : 0m : 0s : 9ms 

I turned around and was met by a young lady staring at me with shock written all over her face. Great, I can finally ask for some directions. 

"I'm so sorry I got lost in the neighborhood and I.." 


The sound of my watch beeping caught my attention. 

0d : 0h : 0m : 0s : 0ms

I never understood the fuss about meeting your soulmate. To be honest, I wished I didn't have to meet them. What if they were some weird pimp down the street? Or some gross old man? But now that the four zeroes were staring back at me, I knew it was time to face reality. 

When I returned my gaze to the young lady, she wasn't staring at me like I was the last person that she wanted to see in her life.


"Wow" I was rendered speechless at the smile. It made me numb for a second until I finally snapped out of it. "I mean, hi" My feet started to walk on their own until I was a few distance away from her. "I'm.. I'm Taeyeon"

Everything went by in a blur that I barely heard her name. I thought I was dreaming. For someone who despised the thought of having soulmates, I sure was blessed to have my other half in a form of this beautiful young lady. Maybe this whole soulmate thing wasn't that bad after all.

"You said you were lost?"

"Uh. Y-yeah" It was definitely embarrassing to stutter like that.

Kim Taeyeon never stuttered in front of a pretty girl. 

"Where are you headed to?"

"At this bakery called.." I retrieved my phone and read out the store's name.

The way she giggled was beyond adorable.

"You're at the back of our shop" She pointed at the words painted on the wall. 

"Ah.. Right" I smiled sheepishly "Can you.." 


"Would you mind if you come with me? I mean. I can't just park my car in here, right? And I might just get lost again if I try to go around that corner"

Her giggles were definitely music to my ears. "Sure, I don't mind at all" 

"Thank you" I sighed in relief before opening the door for her.

I made a U-turn and within 5 minutes, we already arrived at the bakery. It was such a short trip and although we didn't say a word, it felt so comfortable that I wouldn't mind spending an hour just sitting there in complete silence.

"I have a question" She turned to me after releasing the seatbelt.

"What is it?"

"You're not some spoiled, rich high school kid, right?"


"You look so young and.." She trailed off as she glanced at her watch. "We'll be spending the rest of our lives with each other. I just don't like the idea of.."

"Don't worry. I'm already 30 years old" 

The way her eyes widen in shock was unforgettable. "You're 30?!"

"Yes, I am"

The shock on her face was now replaced by a slight grimace that got me worried.

"What's wrong?"

"I just turned 25 this month" She mumbled. 

"Wow" Now the car was filled with awkward silence. 

"I don't know which is better. Dating an actual high schooler or dating a 30 year old that looks like a high schooler" 

"A 5-year difference isn't that bad?"

"I know. But.." She awkwardly shifted in her seat to look at me in the eye. "I don't really date older people"

"Ah.." Disappointment was written all over my face and I wasn't able to hold it back. "Well, it's alright. At least I got to-"

"I don't mind making an exemption for you, though" She reached out to hold my hand and I felt that tingling sensation again. 

"You don't have to force yourself"

"I'm not forcing it"

"I'm serious. You don't have to do this if you-" I was rendered speechless for the second time when she kissed my cheek. 

"I like you already" She had that huge smile on her face after pulling away.


"Do you have plans for tonight?"

I shook my head by reflex.

"How about we go out for dinner?" She titled her head to side. "Sounds good, huh?"

"Wow" I shook my head once more upon realizing my stupid reaction. "I mean, sure. Dinner. I'll pick you up after work?"

"Okay. Come by around 5:30" She gave my cheek a light pat before getting off the car. "I'll see you later, Taeyeon" 

I just sat there and waved back like a fool. It didn't take long until she disappeared into the shop and the moment she was out of sight, I exhaled loudly before checking myself in the mirror. 

"Thank God she's not a pimp" 

I guess it's safe to say that my day wasn't that bad after all.

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