3- My One And Only Love

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“Hi baby” Taeyeon gave her daughter a quick hug before turning to Tiffany. “I’m really sorry for making you come in such short notice” 

“It’s okay, Taeyeon” Tiffany got the duffle bag from Taeyeon.

“I don’t know what got into my boss’ head that he made me go to some faraway town to conduct the interview myself” Taeyeon sighed at the thought. “Anyway, all the things are in there. Her clothes, vitamins.. everything” She pointed at the bag. “If I can go home earlier, I will gladly do. If something comes up, please don’t hesitate to call me”

“Hey, calm down. It’s okay. You don’t have to worry about anything”

“I.. I just can’t help it” Taeyeon smiled a little.

“I understand. No one wants to leave their daughters to anybody” Tiffany returned the smile and gave the woman a reassuring pat on the arm.

“You’re not just anybody, Tiffany” Taeyeon frowned at the comment.

“You know what I mean” Tiffany shouldered the bag, dismissing the conversation. “Do you need a ride?”

“I’ll be fine. You two should go ahead”

“Are you sure?”


“Mommy?” Irene tugged at her mother’s hand.

“Yes, baby?” Tiffany stoop down to meet the little girl’s eyes.

“Aren’t we sending Mom to the station?”

“Well..” Tiffany looked up to smile sheepishly at Taeyeon. “Okay, I kinda promised her that we’ll send you off”

Seeing her daughter’s expecting eyes, Taeyeon could only shake her head. “Alright. I guess we should get going now”


“Baby, why are you crying?” Taeyeon lifted the girl up in her arms. “I thought you were fine with this? You’ll get to spend the entire weekend with your Mommy” She cooed, trying to stop her daughter from sobbing. 

“But Mom..” Irene refused to stop from crying and wrapped her arms around the woman’s neck. “Don’t go..”

“Baby, I’ll be back in no time”


“Baby?” Tiffany called out but got completely ignored. “Baby, your Mom needs to go now” She reached out and had to force the little girl to detach herself from her mother. “She’ll be back by Sunday, okay? We’ll meet her here once she gets back”

Irene’s cries were now reduced to light sniffing as she looked at Taeyeon with sad eyes.

“Baby, don’t be sad, okay? I’ll buy you those gummy bears that you really like when I get back” Taeyeon moved closer and wiped the girl’s cheeks. “Don’t give your Mommy a hard time, okay?”

“Okay” Irene nodded weakly and gave her mom a light kiss on the cheek. “I love you Mom. Come home soon”

“I love you too, baby” Taeyeon returned the kiss with a smile. “I will” She looked at her watch and straighten up. “I have to go now. You two take care, okay?”

“We will, don’t worry” Tiffany tried to keep the little girl in her arms while giving Taeyeon a quick hug. “Take care on your way there”

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