6- This Must Be Love (Fany Ver.)

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When we were 16..

I ran as fast as I could to my Taetae’s house. I made my mind. I’ll make her jealous.. I just wish she would, I know Taeyeon treats me only as her best buddy, but I treat her more than that.

“Tae!” I ran to Taeyeon’s direction who was busy playing her guitar.

“Oh, What’s up Fany-ah?”

I smiled inwardly after hearing how Taeyeon called my name. I noticed she’s in the middle of composing that made my smile grew wider. I know that I’m the only person who can disturb Taeyeon even when she’s composing song. So somehow, I felt special.

“Guess what?” I know this plan will work and finally I’ll know what Taeyeon feels for me.

“What?!” Taeyeon smiled back, Keke.

Taetae I know this will really work. Kekeke
I shook her hand and cheered, Sooyoung our neighbor asked me out!!

Sooyoung is our neighbor who is my crush, Taeyeon knows it of course, but the level is different.. my love for Taeyeon is as high as the sky. And I think Sooyoung would work.

I saw a bit of jealousness on her face, but only a ‘bit’. I guess my plan worked! I’m brilliant!!!

“Jinjja? Grab the chance Fany!”

Taeyeon slightly pushed me away from her. I frowned at her actions, it didn’t work Plan B.. I’ll bold!

“D-Don’t you feel jealous? Even a bit?” I said those from a high tone to a lower one. I feel like crying, I though she felt the same, I thought Taeyeon loves me too..

“Tiffany I-”

“No Tae.. I know you don’t like this kind of matters.. I’ll leave. Still need to prepare” I left and went out.

I thought my plan will really work. I guess Taeyeon is really straight. About Sooyoung, she did invite me, but I rejected her.. I guess I’ll just give her a chance and go on that date with her, to somehow take Taeyeon out of my mind.

I walked away with heavy steps and sighed.


When we were 19..

“Taeyeon-ah, it’s our anniversary. My second year anniversary with Soo” I nudged Taeyeon’s elbow who is doing something on her guitar.

We are at their house’s front terrace, and yes, you heard it right, Sooyoung and I are together for two years now.. but I don’t love her, all those years, Taeyeon has always been in my heart..

But Sooyoung is good, she knows of my feelings for Taeyeon, I was honest with her because she’s the type that doesn’t deserve to be treated like a trash. She patiently waited until I was really over with Taeyeon.. but I know it’ll take forever. I love this ignorant shorty right here. 

“So? Then you guys should celebrate” Taeyeon answered without even looking, her answers felt like a katana repeatedly slashed my heart, she doesn’t even care.

“Won’t you greet us?

Tae! Don’t be such an! Look around!

Chukahae Taeyeon shortly replied, her answers made me think that she’s against Soo being with me.

“Aren’t you happy for me? I know hurt is obvious in my tone of voice.

“I am..

“Don’t you like Soo for me?”

Taeyeon then stopped on pulling the strings of her guitar. I know I’m I the verge of crying, but I won’t give up.

“It’s not like that, it’s just I’m not in the mood now. Talk to you later..” Taeyeon then stood and went inside their house. I was left sitting on the stair as tears started falling.

“I’ll still wait Taeyeon-ah..” I mumbled as I started walking home, tears falling endlessly.

This feeling, feeling of being rejected unknowingly.. It hurts like hell. This world! Why can’t Taeyeon love me??!! Why??!

Is it already my time? Time to give up on her?


When we were 25..

I invited Taeyeon to dinner.. this will be the last day I’ll ever do something that has something to do with my feelings for her.

The last time I’ll try..

“Sooyoung proposed to me” I sounded more like I’m informing her than being happy bragging about it.

Sooyoung really proposed to me that she wanted to settle down with me. That she wanted to marry me, my father is actually not against Sooyoung, but he knows of my feelings for Taeyeon and told me that It’d be better if I’ll marry someone I really love. He said that he would support no matter what.

When Sooyoung proposed, I told her I don’t know what to answer yet, she said she would give me time to think and I don’t need to answer right away. I feel sorry for that woman. She don’t deserve this things I’m doing to her. But then, my answer to her proposal will all depend on Taeyeon’s answer.

I saw Taeyeon stopped drinking and her smile faded. When I invited her, I told her we need some catch-up.. talk about things we missed. And then, I revealed this news.

“I thought you wanted catch-up? Is that what you wanted to say to me?

Did I hear it right? She’s jealous?! Hurt? Finally??!!

“I want to know what you wanted me to do” I said.

I smelled a tinge of hope that I would succeed. It’ll really depend on her answer.. Just one negative word about my marriage and I will back out, and even break up with Soo, she’s really a nice girl, kind, loving, caring, has stable job, has a y body, but she’s still no match with my Taetae. After my thoughts.. I saw Taeyeon smiled.

“Then say yes.. I will be very happy to see you happy Fany” Taeyeon smiled at me. She then grabbed my hand like she’s assuring me she’s really into it.

I felt my world crumble down.. I thought Taeyeon will finally say she loves me too, she’s too obvious! But what’s happening, why is it like this? I thought after this, we can finally be together.. I love her, but! I hate this ing one-sided love! This ing!

I sighed heavily as I can’t control my tears anymore. I started crying. I wanted to shout, I wanted slap Taeyeon for her to realize what a piece of ignorant she is for not noticing my love for her all this years! But I can’t do anything anymore, maybe we really aren’t for each other, maybe I should really try loving Sooyoung back. I don’t have a chance with Taeyeon, then I’ll let her go.. and I’ll start it by saying yes to Soo.

“Maybe I really should.. thank you Tae..” I stood and hugged Taeyeon tightly.

I’ll support you no matter what, thank you for confirming that I really don’t have a chance with you.

“Bye..” I whispered almost inaudibly.


The Day of the Wedding..

Taeyeon was asked by Sooyoung on our wedding, she said that Taeyeon should be there specially because she’s my bestie. I can feel she’s sincere for inviting Taeyeon. We were on our couple seat holding hands. I want to thank Sooyoung over here, though I didn’t see myself marrying her, I still did.

She patiently waited until I have decided. I didn’t regret marrying her. I can see that Taeyeon is happy for me. I should be Mrs. Kim Tiffany.. But it’s already here anyways,
Taeyeon sang at my wedding ceremony, she’s a great singer.. After she sang, everybody clapped their hands.

I glanced at Taeyeon and smiled. She did the same and started walking away. “I’ll let you go Taeyeon, for the very last time.. I love you.. bye”

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