8- Seasons V: Final Fall

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The living room's been quiet for nearly a full minute and she almost bursts from the awkwardness and tension. She doesn't even realize that she's not breathing regularly, holding her breath in between small intakes of air.

The girl sitting next to her doesn't look any better.

It's like waiting for the judge to sentence you to jail or give you the death penalty.. She randomly muses. Although I'm not exactly guilty of anything..

After what feels like forever, her mother makes the first move.


She holds her breath and looks at the woman. "Y-yes, Umma?"

"We'll be honest with you. We have somewhat suspected this and we've talked about this over the years and we agree that no matter what, you're our daughter and you will always be our daughter. You didn't do anything wrong and neither did you, Miyoung" Mrs. Kim looks at the other tense girl in the room. "I know that you didn't choose this, falling in love is something that you just can't control, most of the time. But on the other hand, I'm sure you know of the implications especially where we live"

From the corner of her eye, she can see Tiffany nodding and sighs, knowing what her mother is going to say next.

"We want you to be happy" She hears her mother say to her. "But we ask that you keep this quiet from the rest of the family and from our friends. We're okay if your friends know but please keep this from everyone else?"

"You want me to pretend to be single for the rest of my life?" She asks. "Because I intend on marrying Fany one day and if our family and friends can't know, then during Chuseok or lunar new year or other family get-togethers.. I will forever be single? And Fany can't come with me?"

"She can come and maybe you don't have to pretend to be just best friends forever but for now, I think that it's better if we keep this quiet. I don't think your grandparents will understand and the last thing I want is to bring tension into family gatherings"

It hurts to hear these words but there's truth in them and she has expected much worse, to be honest, so she can still take it. Besides, she has received the one thing she's aiming for: her parents' acceptance and approval. The rest can be worked on later, gradually as they go along.

"Feel free to call me Umma"

She looks up by reflex when her mother gets up from her seat and watches in amazement how the woman walks up to her surprised girlfriend and hugs her.

"I've considered you one of my daughters since Taetae first introduced us so don't be awkward around me, okay? You're part of the family too"

The sight warms her heart and she meets Tiffany's smiling eyes as they exchange relief looks.

"And call me Appa" her quiet father suddenly says while looking at Tiffany. Then he looks at his daughter. "I know it's not ideal but let's do as your mother requested. We'll see how it goes"

She understands the meaning behind his words and the look he gives her-they've always had their own way of communicating and share certain things she can't share with her mother.

She knows that her father is fine with her and Tiffany's relationship, and won't even mind telling the world about it. He's not one to care much about what others say and his daughter inherits that trait.

But at the same time, they always try their best to be considerate of Mrs. Kim's feelings and views on things because there are valid reasons behind them sometimes.

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