8- Seasons IV: Fateful Spring

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It's been a rough start of the year for her despite everything else that's going well in her life.

When she landed back in LA, she felt guilty for overreacting and thought that after her abrupt departure, Taeyeon would change her mind. So she texted her to notify her that she had landed safely but the reply came very late-almost a day later-and even then, it contained only one word..


Over the next few days, she'd try to maintain contact but Taeyeon rarely replied.

It angered her and she planned to tell her so during their Friday Facetime only to receive a message on the day before that her girlfriend wouldn't be able to make the call because of an office party.

Then Taeyeon told her that it would be better if they stop their weekly call temporarily, until they could figure things out.

She cried herself to sleep that night and her father was confused to see her daughter locking herself in her room for the entire weekend but she couldn't tell him what was wrong.

Now two weeks into the new year, Taeyeon still hasn't changed her unresponsiveness and it frustrates her to no end.

Her demeanor starts to change and her usual cheerfulness is slowly being replaced by snippy remarks and irritated comments. She's high strung, stressed and her friends and colleagues have noticed it judging by the frequent "Are you okay?" questions she's been receiving-including those from her father.

It reached its limit one Monday evening, after a particularly tough day at work, when she comes home late to see the kitchen a mess after she has meticulously cleaned it the day before.

She breaks down, sobbing on the couch while shouting angrily about how she doesn't deserve all this, that it's all so unfair and why it's so hard to be happy.

She doesn't hear the man who rushes down the stairs in worry after hearing his daughter weeping.

An arm goes around her shoulders and she's pulled into her father's embrace. It makes her cry harder, scolding him for messing up the kitchen in between her sobs.

He apologizes, promises to clean it all up later and tries to soothe his daughter, waiting patiently until the sobs and sniffles have died down.

"Care to tell me what's really wrong, Princess?" He asks after she has wiped her eyes and nose.

"You calling me Princess, for one" She mumbles.

He smiles but doesn't reply.

Knowing that her father is waiting, she sighs and mumbles an excuse about how he has undone her hard work in the kitchen.

"That's not just it. You would've simply raged at me otherwise" says the middle-aged man. "My kitchen mess wouldn't have made you question why life is so unfair or why it's so hard to be happy. And don't try to lie to me. I know, we all know, that something's been bothering you since you came back from Seoul. So tell me the truth. I want to help"

She shakes her head and tries to escape the interrogation but her father catches her by the hand, making her stay.

"Look" He speaks again after seeing how reluctant his daughter is in talking to him. "I know that you have someone in Seoul"

The calm statement makes her eyes widen as she gasps in surprise, totally failing in playing it cool.

Her honest reaction encourages the man who smiles kindly at her and pats her hand. "I would be stupid not to suspect anything. You've never made so many trips to Seoul in one year and you were so happy, something must be going on" He continues. "I don't mind, you know. I'm happy if you're happy. And you're old enough, responsible enough, to know what's best for you and not do stupid things. I wouldn't have allowed you to go on that Europe trip alone if you're not"

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