8- Seasons II: First Summer

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That’s the first thing that crosses her mind when she walks out of the passenger-only area, into the arrival hall. And no, it’s not just because of the weather.

From the moment the sliding doors opened, her eyes have been glued to a certain young woman now standing to the side, away from most of the people coming to pick up their loved ones.

She walks towards her, still feeling a bit nervous and very much excited, and shakes her head at the lopsided grin and mischievous eyes.

“What did you do?” She asks as she lets go of the trolley and grabs the long blonde ponytail. It’s not the brown color she was expecting to see.

“Surprise” the now-blonde girl says as she pulls her into a hug. “I wanted to try something new and different. For you”

She exhales and relaxes the moment she feels her arms around her and puts her own around the woman’s neck, closing her eyes while leaning her head on hers. “You don’t have to” she mumbles.

“You don’t like it?” She hears her ask in a worried tone.

“I do. Never would’ve thought that you look good blonde but you do. You look good” She says before she turns her head, pressing her lips against the shell of the woman’s ear, grinning when she feels her tremble.

There’s still a faint smell of hair bleach clinging to the strands of the other girl’s hair but they’re nothing compared to the familiar floral scent she’s been missing so much and she inhales before whispering, “Hot..” and immediately, the blonde’s arms tighten as her body tenses.

“Let’s go home. Now” hisses the girl through gritted teeth after quickly releasing her and grabbing the trolley. She then pushes it harshly, heading towards the parking lot half running.

“Yah! Wait up!” She laughs and chases her, stopping her by the arm. She moves to stand in front of her and can’t help but feel victorious when she sees the red face.

“You had to do that, didn’t you?” asks the blonde as she huffs and puffs, trying to calm herself down. “Do you even know how torturous this past month has been?”

“I do. You’ve told me that many times and I’m just as tortured”

“Then why? Why, Fany? We can’t even kiss in public here and you just had to do that”

She watches her huff and puff some more and pulls her into another hug, rubbing her back to soothe her. “Sorry. Was just teasing you” she says. “But I was telling the truth. You look great blonde”

It takes a moment before the girl calms down and relaxes, stopping her sulking.

“I missed you” She hears her say.

“I missed you too”

“Happy belated birthday”

She chuckles at that and withdraws her arms. “Thank you. Where’s my present?”

“Unfortunately, it’s not ready yet but I have something else in store for you back in my room so let’s go”

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