4- Truth or Dare

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"Truth or dare?"


"Hey, hey! This isn't fair? You chose truth for like 5 times already!"

"Yeah! Yeah! Choose dare! I dare you to choose dare!" Hyoyeon was practically yelling to her ear.

Tiffany looked around the circle's she's in and with a defeated sigh, her head nodded slowly while mumbling a yes.

"Okay! So I dare you to kiss anyone around here!" Hyoyeon almost grabbed her by the shoulders if she wasn't quick enough to dodge her friend.

"Hey! You don't get to tell her what to do!" Sooyoung whined as she tried to fend off their blonde friend. "It's my turn!"

"Shut it guys!" Yoona tried to separate the two before they could start hitting each other. "But that's a great dare though." She nodded in approval before turning to Tiffany.

"Yeah! Let's just go with that! I bet Syoung's dare isn't fun anyway" Yuri scooted closer while shoving the other three.

"Uh.." Tiffany responded in uncertainty as she looked around.

"Go on. Choose one.." Yoona nodded encouragingly with a knowing grin on her face.

"A kiss on the cheek is okay, right?" Tiffany tried to ask as nonchalant as she could.

"Kiss on the lips!" Hyoyeon hollered before Sooyoung shut her up with a pillow on her face.

Tiffany swallowed the lump in as she tried to calm her raging mind. "Alright. Just a peck" She mumbled, hoping that no one heard it.

"Just do it already!" Jessica's exasperated voice made her turn to her right.

"Alright, I will" Tiffany took in a deep breath and scanned through the small group. Everyone was looking at her curiously and it just doubled her anxiety. Her eyes went past from Sooyoung, then to Yuri, up to Jessica, until she noticed a hand subtly waving at her. "Alright. I'll choose you" She mumbled to herself again.

"Choose me! Choose me!" Taeyeon playfully cheered while pointing at herself.

As Tiffany stood up, all eyes were on her in anticipation. She carefully stood in front of her best friend and gestured for her to stand up. Taeyeon was quick to get on her feet and even flipped her hair dramatically.

"It's okay" Taeyeon whispered as she took a step forward.

"I'm so sorry Tae" Tiffany smiled nervously before reaching out to hold the girl's face. Slowly but surely, she tilted her head and closed her eyes as their lips met for a short kiss.

"Woohoo!" Taeyeon cheered after the kiss, her fists pumping in the air while jumping in place.

"You're being silly, stop it" Tiffany playfully shoved her best friend away before returning to her seat.

"Alright! Who's next?" Hyoyeon hollered before spinning the bottle.


Exactly a month later since the truth or dare game, Tiffany still couldn't shake off the feeling after kissing her best friend. The tingling sensation she felt every time they would see each other, the constant fluttering in her stomach every time Taeyeon would sit a little too close, and the shortness of breath every time the petite girl would whisper against her ear, they all made her crazy at some point that Tiffany swore it wasn't normal anymore. So after a few more weeks, she finally decided to come to terms with what she felt. Tiffany knew it was risky and the chances of Taeyeon returning her feelings was quite low.

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