9- Old Fashioned VI

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“I swear!” exclaims the tall woman, making several heads turn.

Sooyoung then stands up and puts her right hand over her heart, ignoring her friend who groans and covers her face with both hands in shame. “I, Choi Sooyoung, hereby swear on my faith, my family and my dogs that I only told my dear friend Kim Taeyeon the truth and nothing but the truth. The information I received is valid, reliable and tested. I will not and will never lie or mislead my friend in her quest for love. I-”

“Okay okay!” hisses Taeyeon, grabbing her friend’s sweater to pull her down. “I believe you! Sit down!”

Sooyoung calmly does as she’s told, sipping her hot chocolate as if nothing just happened. “I will not intentionally mislead you, Taeng” she then says in all seriousness, placing her cup on the table as she looks straight into her friend’s eyes.

“I know. I just..” Taeyeon deflates, stirring the drink in front of her. “I just need to be sure. Wouldn’t want to give her the gifts only to send her running away because she doesn’t date girls”

“It’s not the gift you’re worried about. It’s the card or the letter you’ve prepared alongside it, am I right? Or maybe the Christmas mug with cheesy writing?”

Taeyeon raises her eyebrows, very surprised by her friend’s accurate guesses. “You’re good” she says, pointing at her friend.

“I know you well. What did you write? I hope you’re not confessing because that’s hella fast!”

“Of course not! Are you crazy? I’m not that desperate!”

“Good. Besides, there’s still Seolhyun. You spent Saturday with her, didn’t you? And tomorrow too?” asks Sooyoung.

“Yes and no. I spent Saturday with her but she went home for the holidays so I’m not meeting her tomorrow”

“As a proud member of team Tiffany, I’m very glad to know that because that means you’ll have another day to spend with Tiffany tomorrow” Sooyoung confidently states.

Taeyeon checks her watch then gets ready to leave the café. “I should get going now or there will be no tomorrow if I’m late. She’s very strict when it comes to being punctual”

“Have fun” Sooyoung says, smiling as she sips her drink.

“Thanks for breakfast, Syoung-ah” replies Taeyeon who waves goodbye and rushes out of the café with a large shopping bag in hand.

Tiffany leans back and huffs, patting her tummy. “I am stuffed” she says.

“Same here” replies the brunette across the table who looks just as full. “Roll me home, please” Taeyeon groans, slouching in her seat.

Tiffany laughs then takes the red paper bag she brought along. “Want your Christmas present now?”

Immediately, Taeyeon sits up, eyes wide with surprise and expectation. “You got me a present?”


“Thank you” the brunette sincerely says. Although she also bought Tiffany a present, she wasn’t expecting the girl to get her one as well. The thoughtfulness warms her heart and she can’t stop herself from smiling.

“Most welcome. Do you want to open it now?” Tiffany shows Taeyeon the paper bag in her hands.

“Hm.. it’s messy here though” Taeyeon says, gesturing to the table filled with empty dishes and the used meat grill. “Let’s go find a coffee shop and we can exchange presents there”

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