7- The Girl From M74 I

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"Taeyeon no.. don't! Oh my god"

Exasperated beyond understanding, Tiffany face palmed as she watched the girl tackle the huge lump of snow in the backyard. Said girl then rolls over the snow covered ground with high-pitched and excited shrieks of happiness and it eases a bit of Tiffany's annoyance. Just a little bit.

Tiffany sighs, wondering why she even agreed to babysit this child in the first place. To her defense, she was only asked to look after this supposedly 20 year old being and Tiffany hadn't thought twice of accepting because it couldn't be that hard to watch over a young adult, right? Well, she couldn't have been more wrong.

It had been all sorts of annoying. When Tiffany's dad had knocked on her doorstep on one sunny morning, she had thought it was just one of his casual visits. She had missed the man dearly and was prepared to welcome him with open arms but when she opened the door, her father had an apologetic smile on his face, and a little girl cowering behind him.

The girl wasn't exactly little but the way she seemed to be trying to shrink herself to the ground and the terrified way she had clutched onto her father's shirt made her seem so.

The girl was peeking over her father's shoulder with teary eyes and Tiffany blinks back at the seemingly blonde girl.

Oh.. Tiffany remembers how she jumped into the wrong conclusions that time. Omg dad don't tell me you got someone pregnant while in outerspace, she could pass as my daughter already. Or.. Dad I love you but please please don't tell me you're seeing her, she looks five!

Tiffany had been very grateful that before she could voice out those rather impossible and irrational thoughts, her father had cut to the chase.

"Miyoung-ah, I'm really sorry if this is sudden but I need a favor.."

And viola, Tiffany had somehow agreed to take an extraterrestrial being under her wing. Her father had to leave urgently, not even staying for the rest of the day and she was left with the little girl who refused to talk, let alone look at her in the eyes.

The first few days were a bit handful and frustrating, Taeyeon (Tiffany was surprised at the rather human name she was given) avoided her like a plague and usually stayed at the corner most parts of the house and kept to herself.

The only thing Tiffany knew about her (aside from the details her dad had shared) was that the girl had an appetite that would put a huge lion to shame. But all that quickly changed and her relationship with Taeyeon improved when she asked the girl if she wanted to take a walk in the park.

Tiffany remembers the undying curiosity that shone in Taeyeon's brown and emerald eyes like fireworks as they walked around. Taeyeon had asked her questions about the world.

What is that little ball of fur walking with four legs can I eat it?

What is that tall brown thing with pink leaves on top it's so pretty can I eat it?

What is that noisy machinery with wheels can I eat it?

And more endless arrays of what is that and can I eat it.

Taeyeon had warmed up to her very quickly after that and suffice to say that Tiffany felt the same way too. It was impossible to stay annoyed at the girl because she simply oozed irresistible cuteness.

Taeyeon was genuine, sweet and surprisingly very easy to teach. The girl was eager to learn and Tiffany was generous and willing enough to tell her about the world.

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