4- Truth or Dare: Distraction

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"Truth or dare?"


"From a scale of 1 to 10, how good is Taeyeon in bed?"

Taeyeon choked on her own spit upon hearing the question. "W-what?!"

"Shut up, Taeng. We're not talking to you" Hyoyeon waved her off as she scooted closer to Tiffany.

"W-what kind of question is that?!" Tiffany was just as flustered. 

"You chose truth. This is what you get" Jessica shrugged nonchalantly.

"Now come on, answer it" Yuri nodded encouragingly while draping her arm around Tiffany's shoulder.

Tiffany felt her cheeks burning at each passing second. When she looked up and scanned around the people, everyone was staring at her with much anticipation except for Taeyeon and Sooyoung. With a defeated sigh, her eyes returned to gaze at Taeyeon and gave her a weak smile. 

"So?" Hyoyeon urged her to answer. 


"1?" Yoona couldn't help but voice out her confusion.

"Yes, 1" Tiffany turned to look at her hands on her lap. "100"

Hyoyeon burst out laughing at the answer, her hands busy slapping Yoona's arm. Meanwhile, Taeyeon buried her face in her hands, unable to look at their friends.

"Oh god! I think Sooyoung fainted!"


"That was embarrassing"

"I know.." Tiffany didn't dare to look at Taeyeon as she hooked her pinky around the other girl's. "I'm so sorry, Tae"

"It's okay" Taeyeon chuckled. "But I don't think it's completely fine since you made Sooyoung faint" She turned to look at the living room where Sooyoung was lying down comfortably on the couch. 


Silence engulfed them for a moment as they refrained to look at each other until Taeyeon spoke. "So.."


"I'm a hundred, huh?" 

Tiffany almost immediately lifted her head at the question. "I.." She bit her lip in embarrassment.

Liking the reaction, Taeyeon stepped closer and leaned against her ear. "Am I?" She placed her hands lightly on Tiffany's waist.

"Hey, hey, hey! Get a room, you lovebirds!" Yoona slapped Taeyeon's arm when she passed by the hallway.

Taeyeon ended up laughing to herself as she waved their friend off. When she had finally calmed down, Tiffany was now staring at her with unreadable eyes. "What is it?"

"Nothing" Tiffany subtly glanced around before whispering against her ear. "Let's get out of here" Taeyeon pulled back in reflex and raised a questioning brow. Before she could say a word, Tiffany quickly grabbed her cheeks to pull her back. "I wanna make sure you deserve that 100" 

Taeyeon felt the smirk against her ear and so she ree of her own. "Is this some kind of revenge for teasing you a while ago?"

"Maybe" Tiffany completely pulled away to take her girlfriend's hand. "Come on, let's get out of here"

Taeyeon only chuckled as she let Tiffany drag her out of the apartment.


"Truth or dare?"

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