5- Best Friend

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“Tiffany?” Taeyeon called out while looking at her phone, her other hand casually pulled Tiffany’s to drape her arm over her stomach.


“I really like this shoes. Should I buy it?”

Tiffany tore her eyes away from the TV to look at Taeyeon’s phone. “Isn’t that too expensive for a pair of sneakers?”

“But it looks good” Taeyeon furrowed her brows as she tapped on her phone and scooted closer to lie her head comfortably on Tiffany’s lap. “I saw it when I passed by the store yesterday. It looks better than in these photos”

“Hm” Tiffany absently nodded, distracted by the hand playing with her fingertips. “If you think it’s worth it, then buy it”

“Will you come with?”

“If you want to”

“Of course I’d want to” Taeyeon put her phone away and looked up, only to see Tiffany grinning while watching the TV. “Let’s go tomorrow?” She squeezed the girl’s hand and poked her stomach.

“I’m sorry, what?” Tiffany raised her brows, returning her gaze back to Taeyeon.

“Let’s look for that shoes tomorrow. After class?”

“Sure, sure.”

“Thank you!” Taeyeon sat up and gave Tiffany a tight hug.

Tiffany couldn’t help but return the smile, arms instinctively went around the girl’s waist. “You’re welcome”

Taeyeon giggled when a kiss landed on her cheek.

“Why are you giggling?”

“Nothing” Taeyeon shook her head with a cute smile. “Do you want some popcorn while watching..” She took a quick glance at the screen. “Whatever you were watching?”


“Okay!” Taeyeon quickly got off the couch and walked into the kitchen.

Tiffany let out a quiet sigh while shaking her head, a small disbelieving smile plastered on her face. “God, when will you ever” She crinkled her nose at how dense her best friend was.

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