3- My One And Only Too

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Irene straighten up in her seat upon hearing the doorbell. "Can I get the door, Mom?" She asked her mother with those round expecting eyes.

"Sure, go ahead. But make sure it's your Mommy before opening the door, okay?" Taeyeon reached out to brush off the crumbs on her daughter's face. 

"Okay!" The little girl gave her a wide smile before hurrying to get the door.

Taeyeon couldn't help but smile at how excited her daughter was. After finishing on what's left on her toast, she quietly cleaned the table and washed the dirty plates. She heard a loud squeal from Irene, followed by some enthusiastic chatters from the two. It has been way too long since the last time their home got brighten up which left Taeyeon in a bittersweet feeling.

"Mommy, Mommy!" Irene eagerly dragged her mother into the dining room and sat back on her chair. "We prepared breakfast for you!" She pointed at the untouched plate of eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Really?" Tiffany chuckled as she took her seat. 

"Yes! I did beat the eggs this time! And toasted the bread too!" 

"Did you really?" Tiffany teased as she tapped the girl's nose.

"She did, right Irene-ah?" Taeyeon came back with a cup of coffee and slid it to Tiffany. "She even added some secret ingredient"

"Oh" Tiffany smiled at the girl's beaming face. "What is it?" She mouthed to Taeyeon and raised her brows when she mouthed sugar in return.

Taeyeon just sat there in silence as she watched the two chat along and enjoyed breakfast. Seeing their little family complete, albeit temporarily, had turned her mellow mood into a momentary bliss.


"Thank you for tucking her in. She had never agreed to afternoon naps this fast before" Taeyeon said with a faint smile on her face after Tiffany left their daughter's room.

"That's because you spoil her too much" Tiffany shook her head in feigned disapproval. "You're welcome by the way"

"Do you mind if I leave you by yourself for a while? I still have to finish editing some stuff" Taeyeon asked warily after a moment of silence.

"No, no, it's okay. I'll just stay in the living room"

"Uh, okay. If you need anything, you know where to find me" Taeyeon pointed at the closed door along the hallway.



*Knock knock knock*

"Taeyeon?" Tiffany peeked behind the door, seeing Taeyeon busy typing on her laptop.


"Are you busy?"


"Irene wants you to join us in watching the movie" Tiffany let herself in and stood right at the doorway.

"Oh" Taeyeon quickly saved the edited document and closed her laptop. "Sure, I'll be there in a second. Let me just tidy these things up" She stacked the papers and folders neatly before walking to Tiffany. "You didn't have to wait"

"I'm just.. making sure you're coming" 

"Right" Taeyeon let out a light chuckle at Tiffany's embarrassed look. "Alright, let's go" 

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