1- Beautiful Then

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Hwang Tiffany.

Loved to talk, loved to listen to music, and loved to linger around bookstores because that's practically heaven for her. So here she was, in the middle of the afternoon, scanning through each shelves meticulously. Tiffany had no idea what book she was looking for but she kept on searching until something caught her eye.

The thing that caught her attention was far from a stiff, hardbound, decade-old textbook. It was something different, easy on the eyes, and if she reached out to poke it, she bet it would be nice to the touch.

"Is there something on my face?" The girl who caught her eye asked.

"Nothing!" Tiffany squeaked. "It's just that.." She pointed at a random book just above the girl's head. "The book that I'm looking for is there. Just above you"

"World history for dummies?" The girl chuckled and with those short limbs, she tiptoed to get the book.

"No, not that one" Tiffany was clearly embarrassed because she was pointing right at that book. "The one beside it" She inwardly exhaled in relief after coming up with a plausible excuse.

"Ah, the other world history book" The girl was kind enough to get it for her after placing back the other book into the shelf.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome"

Tiffany held onto the stiff, hardbound, decade-old book in her arms, not knowing what to do with it. It was clearly not what she wanted. She hated history back in the days and owning a book about it was such an absurd idea. But the girl was so kind enough, not to mention beautiful, that putting it back to where it was felt rude.


Kim Taeyeon.

Loved to listen, loved to play video games, and loved to stay at home because that's practically heaven for her. So here she was, wondering to herself how she got into a nearby bookstore because last time she checked, she wasn't much of a reader. And since she went all the way here on her day off, Taeyeon thought that maybe she should just make the most out of it.

Today must be Taeyeon's lucky day because just right at the end of the fiction area stood a beautiful girl wearing a black tshirt and denim jeans. It was that same girl whom she helped to get the world history book. The girl seemed too engrossed on looking for her book that she didn't notice Taeyeon was just a few feet away.

Moving a step to the left, Taeyeon casually scanned the shelf, not without stealing a few glances at the said girl.

"Ah! There you are!" The girl snapped her fingers before stooping down to get the book. "Thank god there's a copy left"

"You like suspense novels?"

"Huh?" The way her head tilted up with those cute wide eyes made Taeyeon chuckle.

"Suspense novels. Do you like them?"

"I do. Along with romance and horror" The seemingly mismatched genres intrigued her.

"Interesting.." Taeyeon smiled in amusement. "Any recommendations?"

"What are you into?"

"Anything, I guess."

"How about this one?" The girl held out the book.

"But it's yours"

"I've read this at least three times. You can have it. I'll just look for another copy"

Taeyeon just stared at the said book. She haven't heard of this one, not that she would know anyway since she wasn't much of a reader. And after reading the title for what seemed like forever, Taeyeon finally looked up to meet the girl's eyes. "How about I'll get you this book then borrow it in exchange for a date?"

The words rolled off her tongue smoothly, much to Taeyeon's surprise. No stuttering, no aversion of eyes, and no awkward laughter. She had never been this bold when asking someone out, especially to someone as beautiful as the girl right in front of her.

"Okay" That was the only thing she said before they silently walked to the cashier.

Taeyeon paid for the book as promised, she even paid for the dusty-looking world history book, and out they went to exit the bookstore. They just stood along the sidewalk, not even facing each other, and watched people pass by.

"Coffee? Around 6 this Friday? There?"

The girl finally turned to her with confusion written all over her face.

"The date, I mean" Taeyeon smiled, a flirtatious one that she wasn't even aware of, as she pointed at the coffeehouse right across the bookstore.

"Oh. Right" The girl nodded and the confused look was now replaced with a shy one. "Thank you for paying them" She lifted the paper bag. "I'll see you this Friday" A quick wave of the hand and now the girl was out of sight.

Taeyeon couldn't believe her luck. She just got herself a date, with such beautiful person nonetheless, and something to do when she gets home. Going out on her day off wasn't that bad after all.

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