9- Old Fashioned IV

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It’s been a week since that impromptu dinner they had and although Tiffany kept telling herself that it was nothing more than a short, friendly dinner, she can’t seem to get Taeyeon out of her mind.

Whenever she’s idle, she’d think of her. That’s also why she’s been standing by the window every day at 3 PM this week. She won’t even schedule a meeting at 3.

Taeyeon kept her word and appeared at her window with a coffee mug on Monday. She was late on Tuesday but never missed a day until today.

Earlier today, Tiffany received another mug. It has a picture of cute cactuses and the writing “Can’t touch this” The joke is so lame that it made her laugh.

The note inside is short, as always, though it contains a few sentences more than usual.

“Hi, hope this lame pun can cheer you up. Saw it and thought of you. I have to skip coffee break today so I’ll see you Monday. Have a nice weekend, Window Neighbor”

Tiffany exhales when she reads the note, her laugh and smile receding. She’s being friend-zoned and it leaves her feeling a bit disappointed. But then again, she started it.

She friend-zoned Taeyeon first, in a very harsh way last week. Heck, with the way she rejected the girl’s offer for coffee meet-ups, she’s quite surprised that Taeyeon’s still willing to spare her five minutes every day, standing by the window.

That says a lot about that woman, and that only adds to her growing regret.

She’s using that cactus mug and she’s staring at it when she realizes its other meaning.

I’m literally someone she can’t touch. She tried to reach out, probably just trying to be friends, and I rejected her.. She thinks as she grabs hold of the mug, blankly observing the cartoon cactuses.

“Knock knock! Hey Fany, I think you need to sign off on-” Yuri suddenly bursts inside her office, surprising the daydreaming brunette.

The tall woman is just as surprised to find her friend gloomily staring at a mug.

“What’s wrong? Did you crack that mug? Is it a mug from your precious neighbor Taeyeon? The one you coldly rejected even before she could make her move?”

“Shut up and shut the door” hisses Tiffany.

Once Yuri has closed the door, she takes a seat across from her friend and shakes her head. She knows the story of last Friday night’s dinner and told Tiffany how stupid and mean she was towards Taeyeon.

Tiffany defended herself, of course, but Yuri knows her best friend very well. There’s regret in those eyes staring back at her.

“You can always ask her out to another meal, you know” She tells her friend. “And be yourself this time. I know you got hurt but not everyone’s a jerk. She’s been very kind to you”

“He was kind too”

Yuri dismisses the comment with a wave of her hand and a disgusted look on her face. “He was shady right from the start. He was only respectful and polite to you, because he wanted something from you. The others mostly disliked him, including me” she says. “I tried to tell you but you wouldn’t listen to me”

“And you’re telling me that you like Taeyeon? You don’t even know her” Tiffany retorts.

“True but I’ve asked around, did my research. She’s a nice girl. Haven’t heard one single bad or shady stuff about her. Besides, the fact that she’s still willing to be your ‘coffee break partner’ despite the rejection says a lot” argues Yuri. “She could be doing many more useful stuff with her time instead of just letting you stare at her through the window”

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