9- Old Fashioned V

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Taeyeon’s watch beeps, alerting her of the event she had set up in her calendar earlier.

The brunette saves her work, dismisses the alarm then stands up to stretch. She has deliberately set the alarm to go off 10 minutes before 3 PM so that she’d have time to make herself a cup of coffee.

She’s about to take her mug to the pantry when her office phone rings. Turning on her heels, she quickly answers it, “Hello?”

“Miss Taeyeon? It’s Jieun” comes the voice of the receptionist.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“You have a visitor from Glam magazine. Her name is Hwang Tiffany”

“W-what?” Taeyeon can’t believe her ears.

“You have a visitor from Glam magazine” repeats the receptionist. “Her name is Hwang Tiffany”

“R-right. Yes, okay. Thank you. Um.. tell her to wait. I’ll be right out”

“Alright, Miss Taeyeon”

She returns the phone to its place in a daze, still not believing that Tiffany’s there to see her. It’s a pleasant surprise yet she can’t help but fear another rejection.

Maybe she doesn’t want me to send her more mugs and notes.. She thinks as she rushes towards the front of the office, hands busy fixing her hair and clothes. Or maybe she’s going to quit after all and she’s here to say goodbye.

She sees her sitting on the couch, staring into space, and carefully approaches her. “Hi..” she greets her and watches her stand up, looking even more awkward and nervous than during their last encounter.

“Hi” replies Tiffany. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything”

“Not at all. I was just about to get myself a cup of coffee and stand by the the window” says Taeyeon.

“Err.. about that” Tiffany clears her throat and shifts her eyes. “Remember when you asked whether we could have normal coffee breaks?” she lowers her voice. “I mean, I know that my office won’t move till spring so we still have the window option but if you’re free now” she says, trying to maintain a calm and nonchalant tone to mask her anxious heart. “Coffee?”

Taeyeon instantly grins, the fear of rejection forgotten. “Sure! Give me a second. I’ll go get my coat and wallet” she says before breaking into a run, reaching her desk in record time.

They decide to go to one of the cafés in Building C, one less frequented by people from their offices, and choose a corner table for more privacy.

The entire conversation is casual and light, without any talk about their personal lives. They discuss the mugs, Tiffany’s workplace condition and Yuri’s winter yoga retreat.

Had it not been for Taeyeon’s beeping phone, signaling an incoming message from Seolhyun, they would’ve probably stayed and talked till the end of office hours.

The appointment with Seolhyun has slipped Taeyeon’s mind and what feels like ten minutes sitting there talking to Tiffany is actually fifty minutes in reality. Now the girl is texting to tell her that she’ll be going down to the snack stall and that she’ll see her there.

Taeyeon grimaces then looks at Tiffany. “I’m so sorry” she sincerely, regretfully says. “I’ve made a promise to meet someone at 4 so I gotta go”

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