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The next day at school wasn't very eventful until Chloe gave me a piece of paper. It was her turn to sit with me.

"I think we deserve a little vacation," Chloe said while I was reading the paper.

"A trip to Gotham does sound nice. Sure, it is the most crime ridden city in the world, but we've faced our own horrors," I replied looking at Lila.

Winning the Thomas and Martha Scholarship was all we had to do in order to get away from Paris for a month. Sure, we would have to drag the wolf and sheep with us, but Gotham is big enough for them to get lost. Who knows maybe we'll come back with less students to begin with? A dream that would never come true.

I turned around to pass the paper around. "Who wants to go on vacation?"

After school, the gang and I went to Chloe's. While they worked on homework, I was going to write the essays for the scholarship.

"What are we going to do if there's an attack on Paris?" Adrien asked the question on everyone's mind.

"If we stick together, going back and forth won't be a problem. We can easily teleport when needed. Maybe giving two miraculous out will help. They could stall the akuma until we get there," I answered.

Adrien and I locked eyes. We both had the same people in mind, Luka and Kagami. They are a power duo themselves and could easily work together before we get to Paris to lend a hand. That night after finishing the scholarship, Cat gave Kagami her miraculous and I gave Luka his. They both changed their names and costumes. Until we know how everyone fights together, we held off on revealing identities.

~Time Skip~

After a long night of fighting, everyone including Luka and Kagami crashed in my room. I'm not sure how everyone fit there comfortably. Besides Adrien, I was the only one awake.

"Bug, you need to sleep. Your designs can wait another day," Adrien told me.

"I know, but there's a lot on my mind. I need to distract myself," I replied.

"Tell me so I can ease your mind."

"The thing is I don't know how to tell you."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's go to our spot. As of now, it is a conversation only meant for us."

The two of us quietly transformed and made our way to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

"I am 99 percent sure I know who Hawkmoth is. I need to be 100 before we do anything," I whispered.


"Your father."

"What makes you think that?" Adrien wasn't defensive like I assumed he would be. He was just curious and a little sad that Gabriel was even an option.

"He has the Grimoire. It has all the information about the miraculouses in it. He even pulled you out of school because you lost it. If it wasn't important, your father wouldn't have done that. My one doubt was when we battled Simon Says. He was effected."

"Hawkmoth wants our miraculouses to make a wish right?"


"He wants to bring my mom back."

"How do you know?"

"That's the thing my father wants most in the world. He wouldn't care about the price as long as we are a family again. He never leaves the house, yet I don't see him. Ever since my mom disappeared, he hasn't been the same."

"I hope it isn't him kitty."

"There's only one way to find out. You need to use the mouse miraculous, and I'll be your eyes and ears. The copies could easily search the mansion looking for anything that might point that my father is indeed Hawkmoth. I'll guide you throughout the house and will delete the footage once you're out."

"It's the perfect plan Cat. All we need is more time to figure out all the small details."



"Could this final battle be just us? We have an amazing team, but we started this together..."

"So we'll end it together. We will give the team small details so we have back up if needed. We'll keep our location off. They wouldn't be able to find us unless we want them to."

"If it is my father, could we keep it between us? I don't want people to look at me differently or think I had some part to play."

"It is our secret. We'll just need to find a way to say Hawkmoth is defeated without giving away his identity. Remember Cat that there is a chance that your father isn't Hawkmoth. I could be wrong."

"You won't leave me if he is right?"

I pulled my kitty into a hug as he cried on my shoulder. "I'm here for you forever and always. You can even move in with me. I always wanted a younger brother."

Cat chuckled at my comment. "We should be heading back. The team will be waking up soon. Plus they announce the winner of the scholarship today. After tonight, I could use a vacation from Paris."

"Let's go see the victory email."

With that we jumped from rooftop to rooftop leaving the heavy conversation behind for the time being. We quietly landed on my balcony and snuck back inside.

"Before we go to bed could I please see if there is an update? I know it's like one over in Gotham, but I need to check. Otherwise I'd be up all night thinking about it."

"Go check Bug, but after you get some sleep. Deal?"

"Deal!" I ran over to my computer and logged into my email. Staring back at my was an email from Bruce Wayne. "Kitty come here!"

I opened the email and it read:

"Congratulations Ms. Dupain Cheng on winning this year's Thomas and Martha Wayne Scholarship. Your class is invited to an all expense paid trip to Gotham. Rules and guidelines will be attached below. As you know, this city has it's unfortunate quirks. Rest assure that me and my team will do everything possible to keep you and your class safe. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at anytime.

Once more congratulations,

Bruce Wayne."

WE WON! I can't believe we'll get a break from Paris and have some free time. I'll definitely research more about Gotham, so I can be prepared. It's known for its crime after all.

"Congrats Mari," Adrien whispered reading the email over my shoulder.

"Looks like we'll be getting that vacation," I said. Then an idea hit me.

"I know that look. What are you thinking?"

"We have to dress up. It doesn't have to be everyday, but one day could be villains. The next would be heroes. Then for the gala, I could make dresses and suits of our own heroes."

"I call being Catwoman."

"Kitty, you'd be the only one to pull it off."

"I'd look even better than the actual Catwoman?"

"With me as your designer, I promise you'll make her jealous. I mean you are a model too."

"Now, let's get some rest. We have only an hour and a half before we have to get up."

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